Happy birthday

Beginne am Anfang

(Diffrent room though and people. Arent they cute??)

I lean and fall on the bed on the bed. I place butterfly kisses all over her face.

I didnt hear the door open.

"Are we late to the party?"

Ari looks over me and sees Alex and Aubrie. She gets out of bed and smiles at them.

"So we heard your 19 today!"

Her smile falters a bit but she nods her head.

Aubrie grab Ari's hand and pulls her out of the room. Ari grabs her shoes while being pulled out. I follow and I grab my shoes. We get in my car and we drive to a salon.

"Why are we at a salon?"

"Cause! We are getting ready for your party!"

"What?? I dont want a party!"

I chuckle.

"I knew you would say that, but what if I told you it would be helping?"

She has her hands on her hips and her foot is tapping on the ground.

"Helping what?"

"We can use the party as a way to capture people from the blood moon pack."

She looks thoughtful and slowly nods her head.

"Fine. I dont have anything to wear though."

I smirk.

She slaps her forehead with her head.

"Goddess save me."

We all laugh at that.

Aubrie drags Ari and Alex inside to get dressed.

I'll just sit in the wating.

2 hours later

I call my beta and tell him to come here while I go get ready.

Ari's POV

4 hours later all of our hair and nails are done along with our makeup. We walk out and our beta tells us that Nathan went to get ready.

We went back home and I changed into my dress. I groan when I put it on. I like the heels though.

When I walk downstairs I see Aubrie and Alex. We all gasp at eachother.

 We all gasp at eachother

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Before it even begunWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt