▪°▪ four ▪°▪

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"Oh my god!" I say quickly as I look out of his window. 

"What?" He asks, curious on why I screamed.

"Look outside!" I move away from the window so he could see.

He gets up from his bed, getting closer to the window.


"There's so much snow!!" I smile, returning my gaze outside. "Let's go play in it,"

Clay turns his head to me, making a face that says 'really?'

I smile, turning to grab one of his hoodies to put it on. 

"Are we actually gonna go outside," He asks as he watches me put on his hoodie.

"Yes." I grab his hand, leading him out of his room.

He doesn't force against my pull, he simply just follows me and holds my hand tighter. I take him down the stairs, trying not to fall down them.

On our way to the backyard, we pass his mom, still making those brownies. I could tell the brownies were put in the oven, and the smell radiating off of it made me excited, hoping I'll be able to try one. She doesn't question us, she simply smiles and watches us go to the backyard.

As soon as I open the door, the cold wind pushes my hair, and shivers spark throughout me, sending me into Clay's body once again.

I put my hand up, signaling for him to stop walking. I get a good look around his backyard, and shake my head.

"It's not big enough,"

"That's what she said,"

"I-" I smile, but don't let a laugh out, "Can we go out front?"

"Yea that's fine," I could hear some kids in the distance, some screaming, some laughing.

We go back inside, passing his mom once again, and going out the front door. As soon as we were outside, I saw many children, and even some people from school. 

"Y/n! Clay!" I heard a familiar sweet voice. 

"Hi Darryl!" I shout back, walking fast in his direction, Clay trailing behind me.

As I was getting closer to Darryl, I put my hood on, seeing as my head was getting cold. I caught a glimpse of my hair, it had little white specks. Snow is awesome.

I had almost started running to Darryl, leaving Clay a few paces back. As soon as I got to Darryl, I noticed he has snow in his hands, in the form of a snowball. 

Once I noticed this, I immediately planted my feet into the snow, eyeing the snowball in his hand, yet he noticed my actions. He brought the snowball in the air, ready to throw it at me. For some reason, I didn't bother running away from him, I just stayed still, trying to shield myself.

As soon as I felt the impact of the snowball, I let out a scream, yet I didn't even hurt. I heard him laugh, followed by Clay wheezing.

"Darryl," I looked him right in the eye, which he took as a threat and started running away, "get back here you muffin!" I use his words against him.

As I run after him, I let my hands fall in the snow, gathering snow, yet I don't have any gloves on, so my hands were cold. 

I threw the snowball, hitting him a little lower than his shoulder. 

"OW!" He yells, dramatically holding his shoulder.

"Stop over reacting!" I tell him, getting another snowball. 

Before I could hit him with another snowball, I feel something hit my lower back. I halt, and slowly turn around, already knowing who threw it.

All Clay does is giggle like a five year old. 

And soon, war happened.

captivated ▪°▪ yandere!dream x reader ▪°▪Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang