"Woah, you're good." Leo exclaimed to Amber in astonishment, wide-eyed as he noticed Bianca's scrunched up face. She was clearly jealous of Amber's fighting prowess, and she deserved to be.

"Thanks." Amber replied, slowly blushing. She had to admit, she did have a slight crush on the guy, but she didn't want to distract Leo or herself from their training. The last thing she wanted was him getting injured-or worse-in battle because of her.

Leo looked over his shoulder as the two tanks of the team-Kai and Troy-were faring pretty well against a large group of PRIMES. Kai's strength allowed him to tear through them like they were plastic, and Troy's flames melted the intimidating droids with little difficulty.

Leo was somewhat surprised. Back in Grayfield, the two of them would be on warring sides of the school. To see them working in tandem with one another on the battlefield to such great effect was very odd.

If everyone else could do it, so could he.

It was his turn.

His eyes flickered with lightning as thunderbolts frolicked around his staff. He grit his teeth, ignoring the burning sensation in his body as his electric gaze settled on the PRIME in front of him.

It looked as if it were taunting him-endlessly. He couldn't embarrass himself in front of Amber again.

I won't hesitate. Not this time.

A barrage of electric bolts condensed into a sphere of lightning, resting in the center of Leo's palm as it slowly expanded.

Taking cover behind one of the totaled vans, Amber stopped in her tracks and gasped as a blue glow illuminated her face.

It truly was an amazing sight.

He extended his hand outward as a thick beam of lightning stemmed from his fingertips, penetrating right through the metal exterior of the PRIME and exiting through it's backside. Loose fragments of steel and titanium were flung throughout the entire area.

Leo looked at his hands-and then at Amber-in astonishment. A huge grin flashed across the girl's face.

"Yes!" Amber exclaimed, forgetting about combat as she dropped her bow. She automatically ran up and hugged Leo as the boy's eyes widened. His face turned red as everyone in The Grid began staring at the two them.

"I guess Leo's electricity isn't the only spark in the room, if you know what I'm saying." Dylo joked as Leo scowled at him.

"Oh...I....um.." Now Amber was the one stuttering, slowly backing up from Leo as she gazed into his eyes, struggling to form a sentence. She liked him, but she couldn't let Bianca know that, or else the girl would endlessly exploit it.

The simulation ended abruptly as the seven of them found themselves back in the colorless, bereft walls of The Grid. Kai was relieved to be out of that nightmare of a place, mounting his blade on his back as the buzz of the magnet graced his ears.

"Why'd you stop the simulation?" Troy growled, annoyed that he wasn't able to crack a few more metal skulls. When he fought those PRIMES, he was pretending that he was fighting his abusive father.

"Sorry, your training's going to be cut short. There's an urgent mission alert." Dr. Matthews replied, grabbing his clipboard as he prepared to exit The Grid.

"A squad of Genesis agents have pinpointed the location of Director Callan's daughter. She's in Agnus-a private military base just a few miles from here. We need the seven of you-and Agent Owens-to accompany them as backup to rescue her from Primus."

Suddenly, Troy wasn't so bothered. Now he'd get to crack some real skulls. He'd take the real deal over some simulation any day.

"Cool. Our first mission." Amber replied, grabbing an arrow from her quiver.

"Well, first official mission." Adam added.

"Ohio doesn't count!" Dylo swiftly countered.

"These should help." Echo handed them each a small, black earpiece.

"What're these? AirPods?" Dylo asked, smirking.

"They're communicators." Echo replied. "They'll allow you to talk to each other on missions. They have a range of about one mile."

"Enough talk, everyone. Get whatever you need and then meet me in the hangar in five." Kai commanded as he began walking towards the exit of The Grid. "Is that understood?"

"Understood." His teammates replied together in unison before swiftly heading out the door to their rooms.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now