Unplanned Introductions

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"Who are you?"

They both eyed me with suspicion ready to attack if the need should arise.

"Hello Gaara......Kakashi" I gave them a warm smile

"I don't believe we have had the pleasure to meet sad really"

"How did you know our names?" They both said simultaneously.

"Ive done my research." I replied casually as I walked over and plopped down on the couch.

"How long exactly have you lived here?" Gaara inquired

About a year maybe more

"We were actually about to go meet the village people officially that is after seeing you of course." Sane appeared behind me startling everyone.

She petted her puppy and sat across from me in the leather chairs. She loved their smell and comfort.

It was almost awkward if I had not been used to her by now. I giggled as I imagined what they could have been thinking.

"Who the hell are these strange twins? Why is she smelling her furniture? Why do they have pet wolves?"

Along with a bunch of other thoughts they COULD BE THINKING. My paranoia was getting the best of me and this silence wasn't helping so I broke it.

"Sane why don't you finish cooking and we can invite them to join us. I am sure they have many questions for us that I can answer for them." I subtlety implied for her to relax and let me answer any questions they had.

Before she would fangirl or be overly friendly. She usually engulfs people in hugs whenever she is allowed.

We never settled down while traveling but small talk in shops was the best she could get to friendship. She gladly took the chance of having company every chance I deemed her. I wasn't cruel I just wanted her to be safe.

Since we are the last of our clan as you can probably imagine we are highly sought after. I mean people didn't actually know our clan and everyone thinks we are deceased or non exsistant. 

No one really knew of our exsistance only legends or stories. I read in the library about our clan. We were 'discovered' once but vanished. I guess our ancestors got sick of being used for for our unique abilities hmph.

"How did you find out we lived here?" I asked

"I saw you two talking the other night." Kakashi said simply

After about another half hour of stupid questions they left.

They were going to tutor us to become ninjas as if we needed to be taught.

Hmph I laugh at his suggestion to start on simple tree climbing


I was surprised at her easiness of hiding things. I knew she wasn't telling us her clan's name on purpose. At first I didn't know why or what they were. Once I saw her come downstairs I knew.

That silver hair, tail and ears. They played it off like they were fake and they just admired their pet wolves but I knew better. Their was no mistaking it they were Okami clan members. (Okami translates as wolf)

She was so beautiful I can't believe she's alive I can't believe she has a twin either. I hid the tears as they silently slipped from my eyes. I finally found her, no them I found them both. I won't leave them like I did a long time ago.

(The pic above is how I imagined their clan symbol =^.^= )

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