17 | chemistry

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A few days had passed from the day I had to become Rowoon's fake girlfriend. Honestly no one found out and thankfully I didn't have to go on another date with him.

It was finally recess time, since today I brought my lunch box. I'm just going to eat it in class, while Hwiyoung and Taeyang went to the cafeteria for recess.

I looked at my phone wondering if there's anything interesting on twitter. I scrolled through and found a picture that caught my attention.

"That looks like Rowoon and me?" I said to myself as the picture was quite blurry, the person who took the picture must have took it from a far.

I read the tweet and I was shocked.


I sighed and quickly called Rowoon.

"Rowoon where are you?" I asked as I was getting a bit flustered.


"didn't you see the news on twitter?" I shouted through my phone.

"nope, you seem angry. I'm at the basketball court." Rowoon said and I immediately rushed to the court.

When I reached the basketball court, I was covered in sweat and out of breath. Rowoon seemed dumbfounded as well as Chani and Zuho who was with him.

I caught my breath for a second and finally showed him the breaking news which was displayed on my phone screen.

"LOOK" I passed him my phone.

Chani and Zuho looked at my phone too. They both gasped.

"Bro, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Chani slapped Rowoon's shoulder lightly and laughed.

"same here." Zuho scoffed.

"what's the problem y/n?" Rowoon asked as the news did not give him an effect.

I shooked my head and went closer to Rowoon so that I could whisper into his ear.

"I'M NOT YOUR REAL GIRLFRIEND" I whisper shouted.

Rowoon smiled and felt a bit tingly.

"it's not like you can see her face or anything, it's just her back." Rowoon scoffed and continued chewing on his onigiri.

"but the headlines is wrong, you don't have a girlfriend....." I tried to persuade him.

Rowoon stood up from his seat and held my face from my chin. His face inched closer and I closed my eyes because I was scared. Rowoon continued to whisper into my ear.

"then, do you want to be my real girlfriend?" He said lightly, so that the others couldn't hear and he headed back to class.

I was shocked and honestly I wanted to unsee and unhear everything Rowoon just said and did.

"y/n, are you okay? What did Rowoon say?" Chani said as he held my arm.

"y/n, are you blushing?" Zuho said as he passed in front of me to head back to class too.

"come on y/n, it's time to head back to class." Chani said as he pulled my arm and I got back to my senses.

We were on the way back to class and for some reason I could not get that line Rowoon said out of my mind. I frowned and felt like I wanted to barf.

"y/n, you look sick" Chani said as he put his hand onto my forehead.

I froze for a second and looked at him in the eye. Then, I quickly looked away as I was flustered by Chani's small movements.

"n-no, I'm fine." I smiled and walked at top speed to class.

Once I head into my class, I immediately saw Rowoon. Luckily, he was busy with homework as our next class was chemistry. I sat at my seat and continued to stare at Rowoon.

"was that a way of confessing your feelings?" I kept asking questions to myself and soon I felt like why would Rowoon even like me, he probably has other girls.

I laughed by myself, Taeyang and Hwiyoung looked spooked out.

"ummm, y/n are you stressed over homework? You can borrow mine if you didn't get the answers." Taeyang handed me his chemistry exercise book.

"I've already completed the homework." I said as I brought out my book.

"then why are you laughing by yourself? Is there a funny joke? I want to know too!" Hwiyoung asked.

"not a joke but can I ask you guys something, come nearer I need to whisper to you guys." I said as our heads started to gather up into a small circle.

"I'm asking for a friend, so if a girl had to be a guy's fake girlfriend and suddenly there's something that makes the guy say if the girl should be his real girlfriend, then should the girl be his real girlfriend or is that a form of flirting with the girl or is the guy actually interested in the girl?" I blabbered whatever I could think off in my mind.

"honestly y/n, you can't lie. It's not for a friend, it's about you right?" Taeyang pursed his lips.

I laughed awkwardly.

"I guess the guy likes the girl." Hwiyoung said as he showed me some gestures that I couldn't understand.

"Don't date him y/n." Taeyang said and looked away.

"okay so one guy thinks I shouldn't date him and the other says that the guy likes me." I was confused.

"who likes you?" Dawon said out loud.

"shut up!" I cursed with my eyes but I was too late everyone in the class could here Dawon's super loud voice.

"hehehe, sorry." Dawon scratched his head.

"I just wanted to tell you guys that we need to go to the science lab today for chemistry as we have to do an experiment." Dawon said as he left and told the others too.

Then, we headed to the science lab.

"Is Taeyang or Hwiyoung the person that likes you?" Chani said as he walked beside me.

"errrr, please no not them. They're just my best friends." I laughed.

"then who is it?" Chani wanted to know.

"I'm not really sure too." I said and we headed into the lab.

"Students today we will do an experiment, and everyone will be classified in groups that I already made." The teacher said as she read out ours names.

"First group, Taeyang, Dawon and ( other 2 students)"

I sighed as I thought I would be in the same group as Taeyang as he is the best student in chemistry.

"I hope I'm not a group with you." I sighed as Hwiyoung was standing beside me.

"why not." Hwiyoung laughed.

I sighed and waited for my name to be called out. I got nervous as only a few students remained and Rowoon's name was not called out. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst.

"The students that I haven't called out your names will be in a group together which is y/n, Seokwoo, Aera and Chani." The teacher said as we headed to the table at the back.

"argh, why Aera and Rowoon." I sighed and took a seat beside Chani.

"at least you have me." Chani smiled and that made me have a smile on my face too.

"Let's start the experiment!"


Lmao what a bad day for y/n right? What do you guys think? Does Rowoon have feelings for y/n? or not hehe.

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