Amarmi ancora or love me again!

Start from the beginning

Only Berlin managed to lose her composure and let her give someone so much control of a conversation with her.

Andres walked around the table without words and looked speechless at the woman he had once loved.

Where there was a baby bump a few seconds ago, there was now a perfect-trained, flat stomach and a well-formed, attractive body.

"Hai mendito? Perchè? Dimmi perchè ...aspetta ... tu mi ami ancora?" he asked, almost a bit surprised but full of love while walking slowly, very slowly towards the woman of the same age, only to steer her firmly against a wall and to keep her trapped between it and his body.

"Sì ti amo ancora! Ho mendito perchè... perchè voglio perderti, perché volevo ricominciare con una vita normale!" It came through her lips without being able to control it and lost itself once more in the eyes of her former lover, who returned her gaze as intensely as in love and with his face came ever closer to hers.

"Ti amo ancora. Ti ho sempre amato. E ora sono pronto ... pronto per vivere con te" came almost like a whisper from her lips while she finally gave up the resistance, which was not meant to be serious anyway, and settled on his lips suddenly lay down on hers ...

Sergio's point of view:

Sergio had been working all night to pull himself out of the mess but finally had to realize that this was virtually impossible and he couldn't do more than waiting and drinking tea while Marseilles had the whole gang under his command.

They had practiced everything ... but not that!

There was never at stage that Marseille could play their part in the event of an emergency.

Only Raquel was considered because she was competent enough and had the necessary psychological training to control the bunch of children who were now on their own in the bank.

He hadn't thought of the fact that both he and Raquel could be caught.

In the current situation he was completely helpless, offended and haphazard.

And the worst part of the whole situation was that the police knew that he was completely screwed and that neither his own person, his own group, nor his crew or the hostages were under control.

The whole evening passed him by like in a bad action film, but this one wasn't particularly rich with new information for him.

Alicia, his brother's ex, who had chosen to escape to a normal life without fear of being followed, kept the men around her on edge by giving them orders.

Every now and then, however, she also looked at Andrés who returned her looks in an intense way until she approached him with a few colleagues who Sergio did not know yet and asked him to follow with a "Andrès de Fonollossa ... up".

The reaction of his brother by immediately explaining that she could have sex by simply kissing him shocked him so much that he hardly realized that Alicia grabbed Andrès hard and pulled him with her.

The fact that an interrogation, as Alicia called it, turned into an argument was not understandable for Sergio and he hadn't seen it coming.

"Sergio ... Hey Sergio" it was suddenly Raquel's voice that pulled him out of the action movie which turned into a horror movie.

Surprising her voice seemed to be way too close to his body and that could only ment that she had liberated herself.

"What ... what are you doing here?" was everything that escaped his lips and would have been almost too loud if the loud, incomprehensible voices of Alicia and Andres hadn't covered him.

His Bad Ass fiancée was covering his mouth with her hand to be on the safe side to silence him before she handcuffed him got rid of it and started talking.

"I have a plan Sergio ... trust me. Just call it the plan Tuscany" Raquel whispered in his ear and her determination let shivers run down his spine...

Translation of the fight between Alicia and Andrés:

Andrés: Who is the father of that child Alicia? Who is that son of a whore? Damn it... I would like to know with whom you have had replaced me that fast!

Alicia: With no one

Andrés: Don't tell me lies Alicia! Just don't! Who is that brick?"

Alicia: I am not pregnat damn it! I've never been pregnant! Didn't you get it by now? I would like to be with you! Only with you ... forever!" "

Andrés: " You've lied? Why? Please tell me why! Wait... do you still love me?"

Alicia. I've lied because I wanted to forget you! Because i wanted to start over with a normal life! / But I am ready jet... ready to live with you

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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