chapter 1

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changbin was always a popular boy. from youth, everyone took a liking to the boy and he was alright with this. his two best friends, minho and chan, had been there since diapers, in thick in thin. when his parents were away at work constantly or on a business trip, they were over at his house. his grades were a plus, always getting top of the class. reading was his way to decompress and spend some time with himself. he felt as though he was missing something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.


seungmin on the other hand, was the complete opposite. he was always struggling to get by, with grades and with money. when he came out to his parents, they kicked him out, causing him  to use up all his saved money to find the cheapest apartment he could and take whatever belongings he could fit in his backpack. grades wise, he was always either late or didnt show up at all because of work. this obviously led him to not having many friends at all, if any. the only thing he did enjoy was reading, but it was nothing like the "shit" (as he called it) the school assigned to them.



obviously the two had never met, but they knew of each other.



seungmin thought of changbin as a stuck up popular kids with a perfect life, that he wanted secretly, but would never admit to it.


changbin thought that seungmin would be cool to be friends with, but he didnt want to approach him in fear.  he seemed laid back, and he wanted to get to know him, as the other only had a couple of acquaintances.



well, no matter.

the two boys will meet soon and thats where our story will begin.




294 words 

ily guys

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