"You can open up with me, if you want. Maybe I can help you to ease the pain that you were  feeling" I said as I tighten our hug.

I felt that she release a deep sighed. "I'm the reason why Chaeyoung was cheating behind Jisoo, I'm the reason Unnie" She confessed.

It makes me confused and shocked from the sudden revelation.

I pulled the hug and I look her. "I'm confused, why are you saying that it was your fault?" I asked her.

"You already know it right? am I right?? " she asked me. I just eyed her and let out a deep sighed.

"Yes, I saw them with my own eyes. It happens the same day we celebrated Lisa's birthday at Jisoo's house and I know that day , you already have an idea about that or worst you already know it" I said.

"Yes, coz I'm the one who introduce them with each another. The girl you saw with her, she's Suzy, Suzy Bae, my cousin" she said.

It feels like my troat dried all of the sudden, I'm still processing all the information I'm hearing.

Why it has to be this complicated?


Jisoo's POV

It's been two weeks since Chaeyoung left me, until now I don't have any news where she is.

I'm still holding on to her promises, she promised that she'll be back, and I'm still here waiting for her. I'm on my way now to check Irene, we already transferred her in my rest house at incheon, it's not that far from my house, it's just two hours of drive.

As I reach my destination, I parked my car and off the engine and lock it. As I escorted myself going inside the rest house. I felt uneasy all of the sudden.

'Why is that I'm feeling something like this suddenly' I asked myself but maybe I just missed Irene so much. So I just shrugged it off.

When I'm already here inside I lead my way at the kitchen to bring some groceries that I buy at the supermarket on my way here.

After placing all of my groceries I hurriedly go upstairs. I really missed my sister, I hope she will recover soon, I want us to bound just like before.

But as I open the door of her room she is nowhere to be found. I check if she fall asleep again at the bathroom, just like she did last time. But she's not there.

I check every room I have in my rest house but still she's not there.

I'm already panicking and my heart is already beating so fast.

'Where the hell she is?' I questioned myself.

I go back at her room hoping to get some clues of her whereabouts.

I check her bed, but there's nothing there. I frustratedly sit in her bed and massage my trembling head.

My brain couldn't function properly it feels like anytime I'm going out of my mind. Until my gaze landed at the paper on her lampshade desk. I grab it, and saw that it was a letter, it's her handwritten. With trembling hand I read it.


I'm so sorry Jisoo-yah, but I need to do this. I don't want you to suffer, I don't want to see you blaming yourself over the things that in the first place was my fault, I know you were just protecting me, but it hurts me seeing you struggling because of me. Jisoo I love you, I want you to be happy, don't worry about me anymore, just live your life to the fullest, I'm always praying for your happiness. I don't want to be burden to you. I'm the older, I'm supposed to be the one who taking care of you but look at us now, look at me now I'm useless, I can't even look after you. Jisoo-yah promise me, you will be taking care of yourself. Don't stress yourself too much, just enjoy your life. I promise you I'm going to be okay. I will just find myself, don't worry okay? I know you will search for me, but please don't. Be happy Jisoo-yah, just always remember I love you so much.

A BROKEN PROMISES (BOOK ONE) °Chaesoo°Where stories live. Discover now