Talons and Tea Leaves

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
I woke up terrified. I recalled the nightmare I had. Again. It was bad enough that Sirius Black consumed most of my conscious thoughts but did he have to take over my dreams too? Was nothing sacred anymore? I miss my happy dreams about quiditch or pranking. Winter whined and started licking my hand trying to comfort me. I scratched her behind her ear. The alarm then went off in the dorm. Hermione, who was in the bed next to me, sat up rubbing her eyes. Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patel were yawning and stretching across the room. The fifth girl Amy was already out of bed and started to get dressed.
"Morning." Hermione said yawning.
"Morning." I said trying to hide the panic caused by my dream, under control so Hermione wouldn't interrogate me.
"Are you okay?" Hermoine asked, studying me.
"Fine. We should get dressed and head down to breakfast." I replied.

Hermoine nodded and yawned again.
We got dressed and did our hair. I just let my hair fall naturally around my shoulders.

I scooped Winter up and when we were ready, we headed downstairs and found Harry and Ron waiting in the common room

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I scooped Winter up and when we were ready, we headed downstairs and found Harry and Ron waiting in the common room.

We entered the Great Hall and took a seat at the Gryffindor table. I placed Winter under the table and she settled down by my feet. Then I started to eat breakfast.
"I hope were starting new subjects today." Hermione exclaimed excitedly.
"I can't wait to start Care of Magical Creatures. Do you know how much chaos and disaster creatures can create?" I replied, barely containing my excitement.
"You would look forward to that, Miss Black." Said a strangely familiar voice.
"That's sounds like Professor McGonagall but she's at the staff table she can't possibly be behind me." I said, fighting a smile.

Harry and Ron tried to fight a laugh, while Hermione looked at me with wide eyes. I turned around and looked up at Professor McGonagall.
"Good morning, Professor." I said cheerfully at Professor McGonagall.
"Good morning, Miss Black. I have your new time tables. And Miss Black, you will be joining me in my office at five O'clock this evening. If you see your accomplices before I do pass it along please." She said while handing us our timetables.

She gave me my brothers timetables as well and asked me to give it to them when I see them. She gave Ron, Fred and George's timetables aswell.
"Looking forward to it, Professor. How could I not when we'll have the absolute pleasure of your company." I replied smiling innocently.

She just gave me a look, shook her head and moved on. I stared after her and I could swear she was fighting a smile.
The trio just looked at me shocked.
"What?" I asked.
"How do you get away with doing that every year?" Ron asked confused and slightly annoyed.

I remember when Ron tried it. It didn't end well.
"She loves me. I'm one of her favourite students." I replied, grinning.

Hermione, Harry and I laughed at Ron's disgruntled expression. He then soon joined in. Ron's twin brothers and mine soon joined us. I handed Jason and Jacob their times tables, while Ron passed Fred and George theirs.
"McGonagall wants us to meet her in her office at five O'clock." I informed them.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now