Return to Hogwarts

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
The train was moving again but Harry had been unconscious for 5 minutes. Harry then slowly opened his open.
"What happened? What was that?" He asked warily.

I helped him back into his seat. I sat down next to him and I pulled him into a tight hug.
"You scared me to death." I said softly.

I didn't have the energy to shout.
"Sorry." He mumbled sounding drained.
"To answer your questions, you fainted and that was a Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban." Remus said, while smiling at Harry.
"Here all of you take some chocolate, it will help." Remus continued, handing us all some chocolate.

I smiled. That man loves his chocolate. I started to eat my piece of chocolate and the others followed my lead. Huh, it actually is helping. Remus always said chocolate makes everything better.
"Now if you all wait here I'm going to have a quick chat with the driver." Remus said calmly.

He then left the compartment heading for the front of the train.
"Are you okay, Harry?" I said anxious.

He looked stronger but there's no way I'm letting him stand up.
"Yeah just. . .drained. Did anyone else faint?" Harry asked, embarrassed.
"No but Ginny was shaking like mad. You sure your alright, mate? It looked like you were having a fit or something." Ron asked, worried.
"Yeah I'm fine. But who was that screaming?" Harry asked irritated and confused.
"No one was screaming, Harry." Hermione responded concerned.
"But I heard - I heard a women screaming. Did none of you hear it?" Harry asked desperately.

We all shook our heads. Harry looked extremely distressed.
"I felt weird though. Like I would never be cheerful again." Neville squeaked terrified.
"That's what Dementors do. They feed on every happy memory till your left with nothing but your worst experiences. It's what makes them one of the most foulest creatures in the world. That's why everyone in Azkaban goes mad or dies or both." I explained to them all with a frown.

Remus then returned.
"We'll be at Hogwarts in 10 minutes it would be best to change into your robes." He said and then left again, most likely to tell other students to change as well.

Neville and Ginny left to change into their robes, Ginny was still trembling slightly. The trio and I changed into our robes and I sat down next to Harry for the rest of the journey. Winter settled on my lap again and was looking up at Harry. Harry then scratched behind her ear.

We were all silent as for the rest of the journey.

The train stopped in Hogsmeade Station, I scooped up Winter and followed the others off the train.
"First years this way!" said a familiar gruff voice.

The trio and I turned to see our favourite games keeper.
"Hagrid!" I shouted over the crowd.
"All right you four?" Hagrid said, smiling fondly at us.

We nodded and waved goodbye. The trio and I followed the crowd towards the carriages. The trio and I got into a carriage with Neville and Ginny. I sat down next to Harry, Ron sat opposite him and Hermione sat next to me. Ginny sat next to Ron and Neville sat next to Ginny. Winter sat comfortably on my lap. As soon as we sat down, the carriage started to move at a steady pace towards the castle.
"That's an adorable puppy, Ro." Neville said while reaching over to stroke her.

Winter let him.
"Thanks Neville." I said, smiling kindly at him.
"What's her name?" Neville asked.
"Winter." I replied.
"That's a nice name." Neville said, while smiling at me friendly.

Rosabella Black |Daughter Of Sirius Black| (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now