chapter 1: preface

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Narrators POV

Back in ancient Rome it wasn't uncommon for fathers to reject children leaving them on the streets. Izuku was one of these poor babies. Rejected by his father from birth and his family. He was adopted by foreigners of Rome, in other words he was adopted by slaves.

Izuku grew up poor. He worked as a slave to the family that owned his now adoptive mother Inko. They worked as slaves to the All Might estate. After a few years of Inko working as All Mights personal maid, they fell in love.

They couldn't get married because Inko wasn't of Roman blood. They continued to date secretly. All Might worked hard trying to find Izuku's biological parents, doing so would mean Izuku would be honored as a citizen.

All Might was unable to find Izuku's parents. Izuku continued to work for All Might. His Mother became the secret lady of the house. He continued to work to defuse suspicion. Izuku's main job was shopping. He would go to the local market and buy food. This was daily thanks to preserving food being extremely difficult. Even though it was repetitive and relatively uninteresting of a job, Izuku enjoyed it.

Every once in a while when Izuku was at the local market he would see the army commander Bakugou. He was hot as hell. Muscles, scares, power, money, an alfa he had it all. Izuku on the other hand had some. He was an omega and poor but his adoptive father (All Might) went threw great means to make sure he would live a happy life. Izuku was dressed in clothing better than most middle class romans, which showed his owners status. He also had some jewels, which virtually no slaves owned. He was also well educated and loved to write about all the war hero's, his favorite being Bakugou.

Today was one of the lucky days he saw Bakugou. He was looking at the local stands knives. It wasn't like Izuku was trying to stair but he couldn't get his eyes off of Bakugou. After a few minutes of Izuku dwelling over Bakugou, Bakugou noticed him. Izuku looked away quick, his checks red, but the damage was done. Bakugou was coming his way.

"Oi, your in the way," Bakugou said. Izuku then realised he was blocking the stand behind him.

"Oh I am sorry," the green head said shyly playing with his thumbs. The alfa then pushed Izuku out of the way and smirked.

A few weeks went by and Izuku didn't see Bakugou again. That was until a maid told Izuku to go to the dinning room. Sitting at the table was both All Might and Bakugou.

"Come here Midorya, my boy." All might said as he gestured to a chair. "Katsuki here has offered to buy you under certain conditions."

I looked up at my adoptive father. He always told me he would never sell me.

"The first condition is that he will have to treat you well, as the omega of his estate. The second condition is he must find a way for you to become a citizen. The third is that you, my boy, are my only heir." All Might said. Izuku was scared.

"Does that mean I will have to never see you and Mom again?" Izuku asked almost crying.

"Shut up, stupid fucking nerd. I am not that cruel. You can see them as much as you want, I don't care." Bakugou retarded.

The deal was done that day, instead of sleeping in his bed, in his room, Izuku was in Bakugou's bed. Bakugou didn't dare to touch Izuku. They both slept on opposite sides of the bed.

"You know why I am doing this right?" Bakugou asked.

"You want the All Might estate." Izuku said bluntly.

"Not only that but the name, you know your dads efforts in the war. I am planning on running for president so having his backing would be very beneficial." Bakugou said.

"So I am a tool. A step to you victory?" Izuku asked.

"I see you understand, but don't worry I promised your father I would take care of you." Bakugou then turned to face the omega. "Also the fact that you an omega boosts my social standing."

"Pig." Izuku said quietly as they both drifted to sleep.

In the morning Izuku wasn't on the bed, instead he was tied to the bed post.

"Good morning," Bakugou smiled.

"What the fuck?"

"Well, if your gonna be an ungrateful little bitch I decided I would treat you like a dick." Bakugou now seemed dark. "Don't ever call your owner a fucking pig again."

Bakugou then left the room and didn't return until that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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