Chapter four

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Me and my cabin walked to the mess hall for dinner. We sat down at our table and started talking. "Ok girls, tomorrow we have our skit. So what should our skit be?" The counselor named Emma asks. "It should be about..... ducks!" A girl named Harper says. "It should be a talent show!" I say with excitement. "Yeah!" Emily says. Everyone agrees. Right when I was about to ask when we could get our food the counselor Hailey said "Ok girls let's get some food.". I walk up and inside the kitchen. I saw ovens, fridges, and a bunch of food. I got the pasta with meat sauce and roasted broccoli. But just a little because it was camp. It tasted so good! I expected them to serve like hot dogs hand burgers pizza, but no! They also had a salad bar. I went up to the salad bar and got some lettuce with tomatoes, peppers and a ranch dressing. For dessert me and my cabin had a sugar cookie. Right when I was going to take my last bite of my sugar cookie, four girls walked past me. "Julie you need to stop falling whenever you do a round off. It's such a simple move!" One of the girls says in a mean voice. "Girls are you ready for practice tomorrow? It's our first practice this summer." She says. "Yes! Let's go gym club!" They all day. "Gym club? What's a gym club?" I wonder as I take the last bite of my sugar cookie.
I get in my bed tired. Alice is right above me. "Ok girls," Emma says. "lights out.  "But I'm not done reading my book!" Emily says. "Well you will have to read it tomorrow." Hailey says, turning of the lights.

I wake up the next morning bright and early. I wanted to get to horse back riding first! I put on my horse ridding pants and boots. I made my bed as the bell rang. Hanna was the first one to get up. "Have you been up this whole time Scarlett?!" She asks me. "Yup!" I say. "I wanted to get ready for horse back riding." At home I did a lot of horse back riding. I would always do privet lessons. Soon everyone was ready for breakfast. We went to the mess hall to get breakfast. I got vanilla yogurt with fruit, granola, and orange juice. After breakfast I i brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to horseback riding. I was the first one on the bus! I was so exited
When we got to the ridding place I cantered all around the arena. I had so much fun. When I was taking my helmet of I saw two of the girls from the group from yesterday that I ears off. "We have gym practice now." One of them says. "Yeah, we better not be late. Let's take the first bus." The other one says. I wanted to find out what this "gym club" was so I followed them.
They went through the trees and out to a big beach next to the lake. There was a consular, a large mat, and the four girls I say yesterday at dinner. "What is this?" I ask curiously. "This is the gym club! Every time a group of girls come to camp, they perform a gymnastics routine!" The consular says proudly. "Can I be in it?" I ask. "Sorry but we don't need another gymnast." A girl with blond hair says. "Yeah!" They all say. "Of corse not? The more the merrier!" The counselor says. "Would you like to try out?" "I would love to!" I say. "Ok, Put in your bathing suit or a leotard and come back down here." I head up to my cabin. I bring a leotard with me whenever I'm doing something over night. I put on my blue with sparkles leotard. I grab a blue hair tie and put my brown wavy hair in a ponytail. And I run back to the beach.
"Ok. What level are you?" The counselor asks me. "Competition level three." I say proudly. I step onto the mat. "Show us a cartwheel!" She says. "A roundoff?" She says. And I do a roundoff. "Show us the best move you know how to do." The girls watch intensely. I here them whispering. I stop thinking about them and do a roundoff double backhand spring. The counsel at claps. "Wow! Your in!" She says as the bell rings. I could not believe it! I was in! Right when I was about to head to trapeze, the girl with blond hair says. "Hi I'm Palmer." "I'm Addison." A girl with black hair says. "I'm Jenny." A girl with light brow hair says. "And I'm Lexi." Another girl with black hair says. "Don't think your gonna last here for long. We don't need a girl like you on our team." Palmer says in a bratty voice. "Your just jealous that I'm better then you!" I say in a peppy voice. I turn my back on the girls, and don't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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