news article // spidey & his mate

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The Times

Spiderman has found his mate?!

Earlier this evening a reporter caught a sight of Spiderman conversing affectionately with a girl, Madelyn Black.

Has our Spiderman found his soulmate? Will she distract him from saving our city or will he overall leave us for her?

Read more for gossip...


Daily Magz


Sorry ladies and gents, it seems that the heart throb known as Peter Parker (spiderman) has been taken by Madelyn Black, his suspected soulmate.

All over Instagram Peter has been commenting on this girls posts for long but no one knew their relation... friends or more?

After last night where a witness reported seeing Peter Parker and Madelyn Black sharing a romantic dinner, we have been gravitating towards the soulmate option.

What do you guys think about the matter?


Loki huffed as he read the news articles, rolling his eyes at the dramatic reporters.

"They're ruining his life!" Loki droned out Tony Stark's shouts and turned the page, showing a big photo of Peter and his mate.

Loki was shocked beyond belief as he stared upon a photo of the girl.

"Beautiful." He whispered.

His green eyes stuck on her face before he quickly snapped out of his daze, reprimanding himself for staring at the young lads soulmate.

"What's going on with me?"


Wanda Maximoff frowned at the sight of her depressed brother who was usually happy and eccentric.

"Pietro I cannot help you unless you tell
me the problem!" Wanda exclaimed, her sokovian accent shining through.

Of course, Wanda could just dive into his thoughts but she refrained from doing so, her soulmates words sounding through her head.

"Privacy is important Wanda, even for you or own twin brother."

"Peter found his soulmate, you have your soulmate. I'm alone." Pietro simply says.

"Oh Pietro, you aren't alone!" Wanda cried out, grabbing her muscular brother into a big hug.


Peter watched the exchange with a frown on his face.

Maybe he had been talking too much about his mate, maybe that's why Pietro was upset.

But why was Bucky avoiding him? Was he also lonely? Their annual avenger movie night was yesterday and everyone turned up apart from him.

Peter didn't even want to think about the cold hearted Loki Odinson, why was Loki glaring at the poor boy during dinner times?

Peter was upset, but he knew just what would cheer him up...

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