The witch who partied

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Who would have thought I'd find myself longing to be with you? I remember meeting you for the first time. I felt I had found a kindred spirt. We had both broken school rules and whilst you still continue to do so, you went out of your way to help me from when we first met. You even met me in the library, not your favourite place, you like to point out, after detention. I introduced you to my friends. There was a funny conversation involving you, me and Barnaby. It didn't make much sense at the time, but now we've been on a date it does. After that I couldn't wait for our next time in detention together. You felt the same way too and sent me a note letting me know you were on your way. I wish I was back in detention with you now,making sandwiches, rather than waiting for Charlie Weasley. Sorry Charlie, if you're reading this. Charlie is one of my best friends, but you are to me like dragons are to him. We had some good times in detention. Pitts, the house elf in charge couldn't understand why we were so happy. I think I will be forever grateful to Pitts, our detention master, for bringing us together, as we cleaned dishes and made sandwiches. We soon became a team when we weren't in detention.
I'm still thinking about The Festival and our date. How could you look so hot and cool at the same time in your shorts, white tee, red bandana and shades? I loved spending time with you. It seems you were the one I had been waiting for. When I first came to Hogwarts I thought it was Bill Weasley. He was my first crush, but I now know I could never make out with him. Then there was Barnaby. He was my first date and my Valentine. That is in the past and from what I recall was a bit awkward. I hope Barnaby finds someone in the not too distant future and they love him as much as I know he will love them. Now I have you and the thought of your sweet lips against my skin makes me long to be alone with you again. Where would you like to fly to next? Forgive  my ramblings. You probably think they're uncool. Let me introduce myself before I get carried away. My name is Samantha Kowalski long dark hair and green eyes, for anyone, other than you, reading this, who hasn't seen me around. I'm in Year 6 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You may have heard of my brother, Jacob or The Cursed Vaults? If you're reading this in the future who knows what else will have happened. The year is 1989. I've been at Hogwarts for 6 years. I guess anyone reading this will know what being at Hogwarts is like. I'm a Gryffindor prefect and a member of the Quidditch team. Who'd have thought that! I have some great friends, who deserve a mention or a further mention before Charlie arrives.
Speaking of Charlie, let's start with the lovely Charlie Weasley. I've known him since we were first years. He loves being outdoors and studying dragons. Everyone knows who the Weasleys are, especially those in Slytherin. There's his brother Bill, who left last year, but comes back from time to time, when he's not working for Gringotts as a curse breaker. I have always looked up to Bill. He is everything I want to be. Who wouldn't want to be as brave and clever as him. Then there's the Weasley twins, Fred and George. They've just finished their first year. I've spent some time with them both or maybe just one of them. They are impossible to tell apart. I think Fred, or maybe George is just after my secret for winning at gobstones all the time so he can beat his brother. There's also Percy and if that isn't a lot of Weasleys then there are 2 more Weasleys yet to come to Hogwarts, Ron and Ginny. That's a lot of brothers for Ginny to put with. I only have one brother. His name is Jacob. He was expelled from Hogwarts and is now missing. I've been trying to find him in between lessons, Quidditch, sandwiches and butter beers. I have been searching for him with my friends. It's been heartbreaking.
My best friend is....was Rowan. She was killed by the unforgivable killing curse earlier this year. I miss her a dearly.
There's also Ben and Penny, who I have known from my first year  at Hogwarts. Ben is a complicated Gryffindor and Penny is the loveliest Hufflepuff you could ever meet.
Then there is Merula, Slytherin through and through. We let her think she is the most powerful witch at Hogwarts. Barnaby just for the record is another Slytherin. He loves magical creatures along with Liz. I wonder if she'd like a chat over butter-beer later? She's bound to know if Barnaby was okay with me choosing you as my date. There's also Tonks and Tulip, who are always fun to hang out with at Zonkos and Honeydukes. Along with Tonks there's Talbott and Chiara.
Then there's the Quidditch team and Murphy and Andre. Andre loves Quidditch and has a passion for fashion. If it wasn't for him you'd probably found me wearing something hastily put together from my wardrobe for The Festival. Socks and sandals anyone? Anyway, back to quidditch. From now on whenever I am on my broom it's going to be difficult to think about Quidditch when all I can  think about is you  sat behind me on my broom. I can't  wait to be with you again, feeling your arms around my waist as you hold me close. Anyway, I've got to go now. Maybe I'll see you in the dormitory later. Send me an owl!

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