"I'll be right back." Mike breaks the silence, stands up and walks out the door. A few minutes later, everybody comes back into the room.

"Alright." Michael sighs. "Let's go."

"Hale." I call her over, waiting for everybody to leave the room. She walks over to me.

"Sorry about the wait, I just had to change." Hale points to her black jeans. "Let's go."

"Wait." I say.

"Come on, Luke. Let's not hold the group up."

"Hale, babygirl, have you been crying?" I ask, examining her face.


"Hale, we're going to have to communicate, okay love? Have you been crying?" I repeat. She shakes her head vigorously, but starts to sob. "Aw, don't cry, babe." I bring her into my chest, her arms wrap tightly around my waist.

"I'm sorry." She says in-between sobs.

"Don't apologize." I reply, kissing the side of her head. After a minute or two, her sobs die down and she pulls away from the hug.

"I got a little bit of makeup on your shirt, sorry." Hailee points to the mascara that got on my shirt

"It's okay, baby. Just tell me what's wrong."

"Jackson got into a car accident and didn't make it." She sobs again.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, love." I pull her into another hug. Jackson, Haliee's twin brother, is gone.

"He was going to walk me down the aisle and now he's dead."

"Shhh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." I say, rubbing her back. After a few minutes, her crying stops and she pulls away.

"Sorry, I got a bit of mascara on your shirt." Haliee wipes under her eyes and points to my shirt.

"That's okay."

"I don't feel like going out, I'm going to stay here. You go on."

"I don't want to leave you right now, Hale."

"It's okay. I'm going to take care of Dani anyways."

"Haliee, I and I'm sure Michael, we're not leaving you both." I know she's going to force me out of here, she doesn't like to cry a ton in front of me. She turns towards the door and walks up the stairs, I follow. Everybody is sitting in the living room, silent, other than the sobs of Dani, which are muffled by Michael talking to her.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to stay here with Dani." Haliee speaks.

"I am too." I respond.

"So am I, you all enjoy today." Michael agrees.

"No, you both go on with them." Hale smiles slightly.

"Haliee, that's not going to happen." Michael interjects. "I'm taking care of my girl today, don't worry about it."

"I'm going upstairs, I'll see you guys later." Haliee responds.


I walk up the stairs, I can feel the tears coming to my eyes and I try to hold them back. As soon as I get into Luke's room, I close the door and start to cry. I lost my brother today, my best friend, I'll have to see my whole family at his funeral, he's being buried, in the ground and is going to rot away. I can't let that happen, it's not okay. He can't be dead, he's not, he's kidding. All of a sudden the door opens and I know it's Luke. I wipe my tears, turn around and smile. I hate crying in front of him.

"Hi, I told you to go with everybody." My voice cracks due to how many tears I'm trying to hold back.

"And I told you that I'm not going. You know it's okay to cry, right?" Luke asks. I shake my head in responce.

"No, it's not. I need to go take care of Dani. You and Michael please leave." I respond.

"Haliee, you're my fiance, I'm not leaving right now."


"Haliee I-"

"Please, I need to be with Dani for today."

"Okay, I'll send her up." Luke leaves and I exhale a breath. I know Luke is trying to help, but I can't handle him looking at me the way he does when I'm like this. I tie my hair up and I hear I knock. I walk to the door and open it, it's Dani. I bring her into a hug, which she continues to cry. I shut the door and try to calm her down.

"Hey, why don't we sit and talk or not talk, just sit together. Yeah?" I ask. Dani nods and we sit on the bed. I sit up against the headboard and Dani lays on my lap, like when we were kids. Dani just cries, just completely sobbing. I don't, I've stopped myself from crying around her, it's not okay for me.


Dani has cried herself to sleep and I can't hold myself back from crying. I completely crack, I don't mean to, it just happened. I try to pull myself together, but it makes my sobbing worse. The door opens, revealing Luke and Michael looking worried. Michael picks Dani up gently and moves out of the room. I continue to cry, I can't stop at this point.

"I'm sorry. It won't stop." I manage to get out.

"It's okay. You didn't think I'd leave my babygirl on a day like this, did you? We heard Dani the whole time and I made Michael stay down stairs, he kept pacing. He can't stand seeing her like this, either can I." Luke climbs into bed and pulls me towards him, rubbing my back as I cry.


(A/N: HELLO EVERYBODY! I know, it's been awhile, major writers block and personal issues. Now i'm here and things are about to get crazy!)

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