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“ …and so she asked me if I know this Xiao actor and that he looks just like you…” Chen Yu continued narrating his strange elevator adventure late that afternoon as he and his boyfriend, Doctor Gu Wei walked back to the hospital parking lot to pick up Doctor Gu's car since they have decided earlier on to walk to the Thai restaurant (which was located near the hospital) to see if they could still salvage their dinner reservations. Luckily, it was a slow night and they were happily accommodated by the wait staff.

“I can’t believe that a seasoned police officer like you couldn’t escape from a stuck elevator…bullets and failed drug raids couldn’t bring you down but a hunk of metal easily held you captive.” his boyfriend teased him lightly.

Looking at the two men walking beside each other, one couldn’t find a more opposite couple if they tried to.  In looks, both men were quite handsome…almost of movie star caliber ---but one is dressed in rugged, ripped jeans, with an old, ratty leather jacket worn over a white t-shirt that has been stretched thin by too much washing, and a pair of scruffy hiking boots that had seen better days. The other guy, in contrast, was dressed elegantly in neatly pressed dark slacks, his short-sleeve black shirt tucked neatly into it and under a casual gray blazer, sleeves rolled very nicely up his elbows.  His expensive shoes were polished brightly and matched the entire ensemble to a T.

“Hey, are you teasing me Wei-er?Are you paying me back for copping a feel under the table while we’re eating dessert?”

“I have no complaints of you touching me whenever you want to, xingan…but what you did wasn’t just a “feel”, that was full on groping me…in public…while I was about to take a sip of the dessert wine…hopefully they can still do something about that big stain on their very white tablecloth….I have never been so embarrassed….” Gu Wei admonished him gently.

Gu Wei had always been the voice of reason in their relationship —-his calm, methodical presence balances Chen Yu’s more impetuous nature.

Since their first meeting, they have fallen easily into the dichotomy of their roles—-Gu Wei is the yin to Chen Yu's yang --- what one lacks, the other will fully compensate —- polar opposites, they certainly were in a lot of ways, but when it matters, they share the same, unequivocal understanding of what was important and should never be compromised.

“Awwwww babe, did I get your motor running?” Chen Yu continued to tease, winking at his boyfriend flirtatiously.


The simple reply dropped like a ticking bomb between them, one paused in surprise —- caught unaware that he will get called-on his teasing easily; the other with expectation --- knowing how this will eventually end up.

“Doctor Gu, you better mark your words.”

The car ride back to their condominium was quick and laced with a heavy promise of a hot night waiting for them. The couple steadfastly refusing to look at each other knowing that it will trigger something  that they have started earlier in front of the bank of elevators, with a chatter-box of a young woman as their sole witness.

Gu Wei parked his car with ease and care, locked it and then started to walk briskly to the private elevator reserved for residents on the top-most floors of the building.  Chen Yu easily matched his stride and neither spoke a word as the doctor pressed button for the 35th floor.  It took less than three minutes to reach their floor and they both turned in unison to their unit at the end of the long hallway. From the 35th floor to the penthouse of the building, each floor only has 4 apartments, giving the owners plenty of space and privacy.

Chen Yu punched in their code and when the door opened, he grabbed hold of Gu Wei’s arm and dragged him inside.  They neither saw the gorgeous skyline outside the floor-to- ceiling windows nor the twinkling city lights, both overwhemed with the desire they thought they had successfully banked earlier, to give way to their much awaited dinner date.

“What were you thinking when I grabbed you like this, in the restaurant?’

Chen Yu asked demonstrating how he had earlier playfully cupped his partners cock thru his trousers, the unexpected, rough manhandling making Gu Wei gasp in surprise.

“Ahhhh that I..I wanted..I wanted to suck your cock.” Gu Wei stammered out honestly.

“Is that so? As you wish, babe.”

Chen Yu gracefully sank to his knees and started tugging against Gu We's belt, pulling it out of the loops before unzipping his fly, deftly. With a sharp downward pull he tugged down his slacks and his boxers, exposing his lover's burgeoning erection to the cold, air-conditioned room.

Gu Wei’s cock strained towards him, as if presenting itself to be kissed and carressed --- and when he touched his tongue to taste the slit, a deep guttural groan came out of the doctor.

Chen Yu took hold of his erection and licked a long line from balls to crown, flattening his tongue against the underside, before pulling back to swirl and suck at the tip.

His lover’s panting breaths echoed around the empty room. 

The sight of Chen Yu kneeling so willingly, his lips clamped around his hardness, head bobbing with the up and down motion, the suction and the teasing nips --- Gu Wei had to  take deep breaths so he wouldn’t come right there and then.

“You’re beautiful,” Gu Wei said in awe, unable to look away from the swollen, red lips still ravishing his cock ceaselessly.

“For you, I am…always.” was the whispered reply.

Gu Wei pushed him off him, and started towing them both towards the huge L-shape sofa. He was frantically hobbling as he tried to shuck off his pants and underwear without removing his dress shoes first, unbuttoning his blazer and shirt carelessly, frantic to get naked. By his side, Chen Yu mirrored his lover’s frenzied action.  Both of them toed off their shoes with a silly grin at their excitement, clothes flew every which way, until finally, both were gloriously naked.

Chen Yu pushed Gu Wei and bent him over the back of the sofa, the latter off-balanced at the sudden movement,had no choice but to bend over and grab at any hard surface to avoid face planting in an undignified manner. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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