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Boys won't be in the band

Hi I'm tegan Penelope cooper im 19 years old from LA i have an older sister named Lexi and that's all u need to know for now

Tegan : right dad I'm leaving Dad : ok have fun Tegan ; i will Dad ; bye Tegan : call me if u need me and I'll be home Dad : i will Tegan : bye Dad : love u Tegan ; u too Dad : bye

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Tegan : right dad I'm leaving
Dad : ok have fun
Tegan ; i will
Dad ; bye
Tegan : call me if u need me and I'll be home
Dad : i will
Tegan : bye
Dad : love u
Tegan ; u too
Dad : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car

Justin : hi
Tegan : omg
Justin : sorry
Tegan : how did u get in my car
Justin : i have my ways i am a hybrid after all
Tegan : I'm awear
Justin : i know so do u know what your doing
Tegan : yes we've gone over the plan a billon times i look after your daughter with your friend . And i tell no one or u kill me i know what I'm doing Justin
Justin ; ok
Tegan : right should i go
Justin : yes u know where to go
Tegan : yes
Justin ; ok tell Aster i love her and I'll see her when its safe
Tegan ; i will
Justin ; be safe
Tegan : don't get killed
Justin : i won't
Tegan : bye
Justin ; bye

He gets out my car and i drive a few hours away of LA and i finally get to this house in the middle of no where

Guy : Tegan
Tegan : yh
Daniel : Daniel come in I'll show u around and u can meet aster
Tegan : u spoke way to fast there
Daniel : sorry I'm tired and i think if i speak fast the day will go faster
Tegan ; ah
Daniel ; come on I'll show u around
Tegan : ok

I walk in

Daniel ; so here is the front room and this is aster
Tegan : god shes got big
Daniel ; u met her
Tegan : i saw her minutes after she was born

I sit on the floor

Tegan : your daddy said he loves u and he'll see u when its safe to

She speaking baby

Tegan ; oh really such an interesting story
Daniel ; she does tell the best storys
Tegan : oh yh
Daniel : do u want the rest of the tour or will u find everything yourself
Tegan : I'll find my way round just what room am i gonna be staying in
Daniel : any room but the room with the clothes in is my room and the other will be asters but theres plenty other rooms
Tegan : ok
Daniel : so Justin gave me rules to tell u bascally u can't post or say anything of u or me being with aster . Aster doesn't leave the house she go in the front and back yard and see the horses but she doesn't leave the grounds .
Tegan ; i know all this daniel Justin told me theses rules many times also no one comes to the house unless Justin says
Daniel : sorry
Tegan ; its fine
Daniel ; did Justin warn u I'm a vampier
Tegan : yes he did
Daniel ; human right or witch
Tegan : human so please don't drink my blood
Daniel : i won't i got someone who brings blood bad every month

Aster climes into my lap laying down

Daniel : she likes u it took her 2 months to like me and it taken her 0.2 seconds to like u
Tegan : guess she just likes me more
Daniel : no she loves me
Tegan ; well she may love u now but by the end of the week she'll love me
Daniel : we're see
Tegan : we will
Daniel : I'll go make a bottle its her nap time
Tegan : ok

He walk into the kitchen and i stand up sitting on the sofa and she grips onto my finger

Daniel : here

I take the bottle feeding her

Tegan ; how long have u been looking after her
Daniel : 3 months
Tegan : ah
Daniel ; do u know how long your staying for
Tegan ; i can leave when ever
Daniel : same
Tegan ; u not bored yet
Daniel : not really
Tegan : don't u miss your family
Daniel : i do but I've got forever with my family its not gonna be forever looking after aster
Tegan : is your whole family vampiers
Daniel : yh
Tegan : ah ok
Daniel : so aslong as i don't go crazy i wanna stay here looking after aster untill it is safe for her to live with her dad .
Tegan : that's nice
Daniel : yh well its horrble that a baby is being hunted and wanted dead
Tegan : i know and its terrble shes innocent and has done nothing wrong
Daniel : its all thanks to her mom
Tegan : if it wasn't for her Justin could be with aster right now
Daniel : i know but hopefully Justin will hurry and get things sorted
Tegan : yh
Daniel : I'll take her her to get her ready for bed
Tegan : ok

He takes her away and i get up getting my stuff and i walk around the house figuring where things were amd i choose a room and unpack my stuff . And my phone starts ringing

Tegan : yes
Piper : hi
Tegan : hi
Piper : I'm bored
Tegan : well go fuck someone
Piper : no one wants to fuck
Tegan : well thats disappointing
Piper ; i know

I walk out the room going down stairs

Tegan ; what about cage he has like the biggest crush on u
Piper : maybe
Tegan : hey up to u but if u wanna screw someone hes the guy mean you've gone throw everyone else
Piper : true
Tegan : or instead of screwing someone u spend time ned and pagie
Piper ; no hed has fucked off to Yashvis and pagie is to bussie trying to fuck well u know who
Tegan ; fully awear of whos shes trying to get with
Piper : yh what u doing
Tegan ; told u gone away with some old frineds
Piper : oh yh I'll let u ok
Tegan : bye
Piper : peace

She hangs up

Daniel ; chicken tenders good for u
Tegan : perfect
Daniel : good cause i can't cook much more then sticking chicken tenders in the oven
Tegan : thats fine i can cook
Daniel : thank god cause jake done all the cooking last time i only made breakfast
Tegan : well why don't u stick to that I'll make dinner u make breakfast
Daniel : yh I'm ok with that only thing is i don't really wake up till like 12 . Cause yet again with jake he did mornings with aster i did night
Tegan : we can do that honestly I'm a morning person
Daniel ; I'm really not so please do mornings and I'll do nights
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : so have u figured out where everything is
Tegan : pretty much
Daniel : good
Tegan : yep
Daniel : so i take it u aren't afraid of vampiers hybrid all the supernaturals
Tegan ; not really
Daniel : that's good
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : hey don't eat grapes the tenders are cooking
Tegan : u mean burning i can smell burning
Daniel : shit

He quickly turns off the oven and gets the chicken out and i let out a little laugh

Daniel : there eatble
Tegan : just
Daniel : this is why u don't leave the cooking to me just eat
Tegan : i will

We eat our food and he has his blood bag

Tegan ; looks disgusting
Daniel : trust me knowing its blood disgusts me but it doesn't taste bad also its the only thing that keep me alive
Tegan ; i know
Daniel : so yh
Tegan ; right imma head to bed
Daniel : ok
Tegan : night
Daniel : night

I walk away heading upstairs going to my room getting a few things amd i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed

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