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Maine POV:
I woke up in an empty bed... I went straight in the bathroom to do my morning routine... I went downstairs. "Good morning!" "ohh Good morning Maine, here's your breakfast" "You prepare this?" "yep" I eat it. "hmmm it's so good" "I'm glad you like it" we continue eating....

After eating...

"Richard, have you see a mail?" "yeah it's on the coffee table" "thanks" I went in there and checked. I open an envelope...

Dear Ms. Mendoza,
You are invited to attend the fashion show this weekend at XXX fashion hall. See you there!
                                               Love Patricia

"OMG!!!" "What happened?" Richard said "I will go to the fashion show this weekend!" "I'm so happy for you Maine" then I hugged him...

"Ohh sorry I got carried away" "it's fine, you want us to go shop for your clothes?" "really you will help me?" he nods. I quickly go upstairs, I just wore a white shirt above it I wore a jumper shorts and I pair it with some converse I get my backpack and head downstairs. "Let's go?" I take his hand and we head towards his car and drove to the mall. When we got there, we first went to gucci at first I denied to go there because it's too expensive but Richard insist and he said he will pay for it. "Hi Mr. Faulkerson welcome back!" a sales lady great her "your always here?" "well Julie likes here" I just nod at him "uhmm Bianca can you help my wife to choose a dress for a fashion show?" "yes sir, this way ma'am" Then Bianca shows me a rack full of dresses. She first give me a silver dress that has a strap that rest abive my knees. I show it to Richard and he said no. The next one is a purple dress that is one side off shoulder with many studs on it. And again Richard said no. She give me a blue dress that is a tube that is long and has a ruffles at the bottom and it is also filled with studs. I went outside... "Sir" Richard looks at me he approach me from behind while I look at myself on the mirror "You look beautiful" he whispered on my ear. I blushed at his statement. "we will get this Bianca together with the bags and shoes" "hey it's too expensive" "no worried it is your dream so this is my gift to you, so you must do well ok?" I nod at him "thank you for believing in me Richard" then I went back to the changing room to go change. After that we eat our lunch. We have a seafood lunch and i'm so full I went to the restroom to pee. I realized that I'm on my period now. "ohh geeze why today?! I don't have any pads" ok ok what shall I do? I just put a rolled tissue on my panty and walk out. I just hope that this will do the work...

Richard POV:
Maine came out of the restroom and I realized that she had a period stain so I took off my jacket and go beside her. "hey you have  a period stain here let me tie this on your waist" I tie my jacket on her waist. "wait me here ok?" she nods at me. Then I went down and go to the groceries... "uhmm excuse me?" "yes sir?" "uhmm I was finding a pad for period where can I find those?" "let me assist you sir" then the woman assist me and also pick a pad.  I paid for it. I also went to a store to buy a short for Maine. I went upstairs and find her there. "here I bought a pad and a short go change in the restroom" "thank you" then she went into the restroom and change while I wait for her...

She came back.... "here thank you for the jacket" "no you wear it so you will not experience cramps that will keep you warm" she wraps it around her. We arrived at the car and I drove on our way home...

Maine POV:
We arrived at our house already. I went upstairs to change into something comfortable. Then a sudden wave of pain crossed on my lower abdomen. "Aarghhh!!!" Then Richard came running "Hey what happen?" "It hurts" I point at my lower abdomen then he left after sometime he came back with a hot compressed, he went beside me. "here let me put this to you" he pressed the hot compressed on my lower abdomen "much better?" she nods...

*10 mins later*
Richard POV:
She fell asleep. I put her in a comfortable position and covers her with a blanket. I leave the hot compressed on her. Then I went to do my night routine and sleep beside her. "good night Maine" I kissed her forehead and went to sleep as well....




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