"I imagine her as the cover has her."

"That's sad." Honey puts the book back into her bag and zips it closed. "What if—what if the story is based on a true story?"

"I doubt that. Shit like that doesn't just...happen to people."

"What if it can?" Honey furrows her eyebrows. "What if there's a Max and Chloe tr—" Honey gasps and clasps her mouth with her palm. "I forgot you didn't finish."

Sean looks at her, amused. "What were you about to say?"

Honey shakes her head. "I'm not spoiling. You can read the rest of it yourself."

Honey adjusts herself on the seat and leans her cheek against the glass.


Sean and Honey both held umbrellas as they sat on top of a building roof. The rain was lightly coating the land with water.

"I have a feeling I've been here before." Sean says, looking down to the cement ground. His breath hitches in his throat.

"You have?" Honey hums. "That's weird."

Sean nods. "I guess it is."

They were still awkward around each other, but they had little conversations filling up the empty space around them.

Sean yawns. "I'm so fucking tired."

"We can leave." Honey hops off the edge and onto the roof. "Find a nice place to stay and stuff." She shrugs.

Sean shakes his head. He gets off the edge too, but stays where he is.

"What?" Honey turns to him, confused.

"I uh-" Sean gulps. "I need to talk to you."

Honey lets out a breathy laugh. "We aren't talking right now?"

Sean shakes his head. "We need to talk about—uh—it." Sean pauses to think for a better way to phrase it. "We need to talk about us."

"We already did?" Honey asks. "I already told you, we can't be."


Honey looks at him carefully. The flashlight in her hand illuminating the highlights of his face.

"I-" Honey sighs, rubbing her face. "I can't. I'm just going to get hurt again."

Sean sighs as Honey steps closer to him. She closes her umbrella and gets under his. She wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his shoulder.

"I wish I could tell you everything." Honey says sadly. "About everything."

"We have plenty of time." Sean wraps his free arm around her.

Honey sighs, her breath wavy with sadness. "I guess we do."

Honey unwraps her arms from around Sean and approaches the edge of the building. She sits on the wet ground, her back pressed against the cold metal of the bars.

the nymph ☼ sean diaz ✓Where stories live. Discover now