Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ears. I hopped out of bed and woke up my friend Talia. Talia was also a fifth year, we had been inseparable ever since babies.
We both got dressed and began walking to breakfast. As soon as I opened the Slytherin common room door I bumped into Draco Malfoy. He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrow. Suddenly Talia pulled me through the door, pulling my eyes away from his deep stare.
"I'm hungry (y/n), lets go!" She giggled.
I could feel his gaze on me as I walked away.


After classes were over and I was walking to the slytherin common room. I sighed from exhaustion as I entered. I passed the row of couches on my way to the stairs.
"It was you, wasn't it?" A familiar voice called out confidently. I turned around to see Draco standing in the corner of the room.
"I don't know what your talking about, Draco"
I rolled my eyes. Was I that obvious??

"Oh yes I think you do," he smirked.
"Oh I think not, you spoiled twit," I said teasingly before I carried myself up the stairs. I didn't get a good view of his expression but it was probably priceless.

A few days went by and I had forgot about the incident. Talia was telling me about her new boy crush. I acted all excited but I was really just trying to remember what a centaur was for my test later that day.
"Are you listening?" Talia asked.
"HEY! Earth to (y/n)!"
"Yes, yes what?" I snapped back into reality.
"I gotta go talk to Professor Snape," Talia said.
"Oh ok," I replied.

After a bit of daydreaming, I felt someone come and sit beside me. As I looked to see who it was all I saw was two grey eyes looking back at me.
"malfoy," I said under my breath a little startled.
"Why is such a pretty girl sitting all alone?" He smirked, he knew I was a bit flustered by his attractiveness.
I wasn't in the mood for his flirting. He flirted with every girl, and all of them got caught in his game. I knew what he wanted, a hookup, but I don't play games like that.
"Go away Malfoy," I calmly said to him.
"Excuse me?"
"I said go away!" My voice a little louder.
"No" He barked.
"I'll leave when I want, mudblood," He continued. This sent me over the edge.

"Oh my god you arrogant snake I said get away from me!" I snapped, I didn't know why I did but something about him, the way he made me feel.. made me snap. I felt as all the eyes came to us, everything went silent. I no longer felt angry or annoyed, I just felt embarrassed.
"What the hell," I whispered under my breath as I walked out.

I walked for about two minutes before stopping.
"What happened" I thought.
"Hey (l/n)!" Draco called. Had he followed me?

"You can't talk to me like that!" He barked.
"I can talk however I want!" I barked back. His face went from angry to sincere when he saw a tear run down my cheek, my grandma was a half-blood and she was bullied and called mudblood herself. I quickly wiped it off my face
"I'm sorry," He said.
"I shouldn't have said those things to you..." He continued. Why is he being so sincere, he never says sorry.

"What do you want?" I asked as he walked closer. He ignored my question. He came up right in front of me, towering over me.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I repeated my question.
"I-" He began but stopped trailing his eyes to my lips.
"Malfoy wh-" Before I could finish he had kissed me. I pulled back, startled, his hands wrapping around my waist as he pulled me closer. I tried pushing away but he was too strong.
"ma- l- foy-" I finally got out. He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes.
"Give in," He stared so deeply, almost like he could see into me. He pulled me right up against him putting his lips against mine again. I felt myself melt into him.
What am I doing?
I suddenly jerked away, finally being released from his grasp. I run down the hallway to my room.
"(y/n)!" he calls out. Im too busy freaking out to talk. What happened and why me.

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