Chapter 1

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I shot up out of my bed in a cold sweat, I was panting and I could hear my heart beat thumping in my ear. I looked at the corner, the clock read 3:32am. I frantically looked around the room to see my roommate sleeping peacefully in her bed. I breathed in and out just like my mother always told me. I had a nightmare about my grandma's passing for the third time this month...

"Oh my," I exclaimed realizing I was safe. I chuckled quietly at the thought of a dream scaring me so much. It was only my second day back at Hogwarts and I was already homesick. I quietly got up and tip toed to the door. I slipped down the stairs and sat by the fireplace. I always felt connected to my grandma every time I saw a fire place, it was always her favourite place to knit. She had passed a few years ago... she was a witch like me, my biggest fan.

I was about to drift to sleep right in front of the warm fireplace when I heard someone roll over in their bed. I decided I needed to make sure I could hear my alarm in the morning so I carefully walked up the spiralling staircase. I was almost at the top step when I heard a deep voice.

"Why are you up so late?" The voice called out.
I stopped in my tracks, staying quiet and hoping they would go away.
"I know you're there," The voice continued.
"Sorry, I'm going back now," I whispered trying to conceal my signature voice.
"Come down," He ordered.

Without thinking I ran up and flew under the covers pretending I had been asleep. I heard footsteps creak up the stairs. I winced in fear hoping they didn't know it was me. Once the footsteps reached the top of the stairs I heard them walk in.
He laughed quietly at the fact "I" was hiding as went back down the noisy steps. I sighed with relief and dosed off.

Toxic Grasp (draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now