Chapter 19: The Last Day Part 2

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Where the heck is Pronto? That's what they constantly worried about. If he was nowhere to be seen across the Caverns, there's a 25% chance of him suddenly becoming so good at hiding that he was untraceable but the remaining 75% is that he was among the herd of seekers.

"Twist. Twist. Twist!" He was quickly aroused by Eli's powerful nudge. He worried too much about things, but he was not supposed to panic, especially at times when this is his life and everyone else's lives are on the line. Apparently now he was left alone with Eli and Twist in Wild Spores. Everyone else had split. They managed to hide beside the hideout (which was now being swarmed with them seekers) but Jun managed to do a ninja roll which got on the other twos' nerves. Seriously, Twist? At a time like this? Eli hissed. I'm not joking around! He shot back. Then a seeker showed up out of nowhere! They bolted and ran to the back of the hideout. This is bad! Eli thought. This is really, really bad! Burpy and Joo-Joo sensed his fear, and so did the others and Loki, the Thugglet slug, the former ghoul who was healed by Doc before the game started. When the coast was clear, they bolted found the same hole that ensnared Pronto.

But nobody knew it held a deadly secret. All they was was the perfect hiding spot. They headed for it. Eli was skeptical, though. He refused to trust it, but a very excited Twist went straight in. When his scream reached their ears, Jun yelped, "NOPE!!!" while a pale and petrified Eli exclaimed, "I knew that thing was untrustable!" And both of them ran off with Loki and the rest of his arsenal. Later Eli tripped and fell while running which resulted in both Infurnuses flying out of his bandoleer and a bunch of slugs from the nearby mushroom falling on him. They recovered as quickly but Eli was not able to run as fast as Jun due to the pain of the injury.

Meanwhile, the sisters were walking along the empty Undertow Cavern. (insert creepy piano thriller music here...) All they heard was silence, other than the chirping of the Aquabeek slugs breaking the surface and enjoying a good swim, not knowing the terror that was to come. Bella saw an empty cave lit by Phosphoro slugs and she invited her sister to come in as they saw it as the perfect hiding spot. But Bella was wrong. She realized this as the seekers swarmed around her, and her scream was loud enough to send the Aquabeeks diving for cover. Trixie bolted and hid in a cupboard-shaped carving on the side of the rock. And just in time. The zombies dragged her sister away and one even pounced on the ground just right in front of her hiding spot! As she watched with an open mouth, she managed to keep her cool by staying quiet and whispering to her slugs to stay quiet too. Then the danger passed. When that happened, she snuck out and ran out into a different cavern.

Meanwhile the duo who just lost their friend kept running. If you were watching them run like mad, you can say they can outrun a Hoverbug at velocity. Then they collapsed in the Desert, exhausted and nearly out of steam. It was tough work, outrunning a possible seeker. At least now the just recently zombified Twist was in the middle of nowhere, probably looking for Pronto. Then the duo happened to see the Power Trips running towards them with a devastating report. "Trixie's sister was captured," Marcus said, breathless. "She was in Undertow Cavern." Fav, the sister, continued. They were relieved to know that Trixie was okay. That's a relief. He thought. Red Hook, however,saw only the most beautiful hiding spot in all of SlugTerra. Oh, Guardian Slugs! He squealed. The tallest skyscraper in all of SlugTerra! Only the best hiding spot in a time like this! I bet nobody will find me here! And just like that, he was gone. Kord and Grendall had problems eluding the Seekers in the Hideout. When they were surrounded, both cave trolls were captured and joined the herd. Fire and Ice fought and fought. Shockwire tried to break them apart, but before they knew it, they were captured because they stood still for a long time and refused to pay attention to the zombies crowding them. The King was trapped in his own palace. The triplets found the same skyscraper that snared Red Hook. Pretty soon, the group of slingers who joined were decimated to just Eli, Junjie and Trixie.

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