Platform 9 & 3/4

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"Hi, I'm a bit lost, I saw your trollies and your owls, and assumed you knew where you were going." He says hesitantly.

"Are you looking for platform 9 & 3/4?" I ask.

"Yes, my friend Hagrid dropped me off here without any direction." He answers.

Before I can get another word out, a boy with red hair, and his entire family walk right up to us.

"Are you guys going to Hogwarts too?" The red-haired boy asks.

"Yes, and we should be getting on our way, we might miss the train." I reply. "I'm (y/n) Wolfwood by the way, I never got your names." I reach out my hand to shake theirs.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) WOLFWOOD?" The red-haired boy yells. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasly." He grabs my hand and shakes it.

A Weasly, at least he's a pureblood. I can't start off on the first day breaking my mother's rules. Sure they weren't well-respected members of the ministry, but it will have to do.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I laugh. "How about you?" I reach my hand over to the brunette.

"I'm Harry Potter, its nice to meet you." He shakes my hand too.

"It's nice to meet you too." I say and smile. A Potter, my mother will approve of him too. I know a few things about him, but I wanted to treat him like he was normal. After all, everywhere I go, all I get is stares, and he might appreciate this.

"A POTTER AND A WOLFWOOD?" Ron exclaims. He then looks over to my brother Elijah who is impatiently waiting for me.

"(Y/n), I'm getting on the train, see you at the sorting ceremony." Elijah rolls his eyes and pushes past us.

"Don't worry about him he's my brother Elijah. He has an attitude problem." I reassure them.

"Oh its alright, you guys should meet the rest of my family quickly before getting on the train, most of them will be attending Hogwarts with us." He said, and I nod in approval. "Mom, dad, siblings, I present to you, (y/n) Wolfwood, and Harry Potter."

His family gasp looking back and forth between Harry and me.

"Nice to mee you, I'm Fred." A tall red-haired boy walks up to me. I hold out my hand for him to shake it, but instead, he grabs it, kisses it, and bows . I can't help but giggle. I like Fred, he seems wonderful.

"And I'm George." Another one walkes up to me, kisses my hand, and bows as well. I laugh again. George is Freds identical twin. I thought it was going to be hard to tell them apart, but then I realize Fred constantly touches the sleeve of his shirt, and George constantly touches his har. This is going to be easier than I thought.

"Very nice to meet you both." I say with a wide smile. After I'm introduced to Ginny, who isn't attending Hogwarts until next year, and Ron's Mother and father. His whole family is wonderful. I also learn that Fred and George are in their second year because they're almost two years older than Ron.

After our short chat, we decide it's time to catch the train. We line up by the stone pillar, and one by one start running full speed at it. Harry looks quite worried.

"Are you ok harry? All you have to do is run right into the wall. I promise you nothing bad will happen. Why don't you go right after me? I'll meet you on the other side, ok?" I ask reassuringly.

"Ok, I'll meet you there, thank you (y/n)." Harry replies.

I grab my trolly and speed right through the stone pillar. I feel really dizzy and my stomach still hurts from the amount of time I haven't eaten. I stand back and wait for Harry. All of a sudden, he comes running out of the wall, and I smile.

"See, it wasn't that hard, was it?" I ask.

"No, it was alright, we should get to the train though, we can't be late." He answers and I nod. We then walk up to Ron, Fred, and George.

"You put your bags over there, and they will bring it to your room for you." George informs us, as we start wheeling our trolleys to where they take the luggage.

"Sorry we can't sit with you princess, I'd love to get to know you." Fred says slyly.

"You really are a flirt aren't you." I shoot back.

"Maybe." He shrugs his shoulders and walks off onto the train with George to where the second year Gryffindors are seated. I lightly blush at the comments he kept making to me.

I can't take the hunger anymore, so I turn to Ron and ask him if he has any food. Waiting in line to hand my luggage over to the goblins is making me feel faint.

"Ron do you have any food I'm starving." I ask nervously. I don't want to know I haven't eaten in two or three days.

"Yeah, I got two sandwiches in my bag, you can have one." He says as he unzips it and hands it to me.

I eat the sandwich and sighed in relief, I felt a lot better already. The only problem is that I'm still feeling a little dizzy. I decide to ignore it. I unzip my bag, grab a piece of gum, and put the package away quickly. I zone out for a minute two. We're almost at the front of the line.

All of a sudden someone grabs my shoulder and whips me around to look at them. I'm about to yell at them for touching me, but then see that I'm face to face with Draco. I smile and hug him tightly. Half of the time I spent locked in my room, I was thinking about him. He returns the hug before pulling away to see me.

"I guess you missed me." Draco teases.

"I guess I did." I laugh.

"Sit with me on the train?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, of course, I just need to drop off my bags." I reply.

"Okay, I'll wait by the entrance of the train for you." He says as he slowly starts to walk away.

"Who was that (y/n)?" Ron asks cautiously like he already knew.

"Oh that was Draco, he's a friend of mine." I say and smile.

"A Malfoy? I heard they were absolutely terrible people. I'm suprised he let you call him by his first name."

"Ron, that's very rude of you. Have you even met him yet?" I ask.

"No, but I don't think I need to. I've heard the things his father had done." Ron fights back.

"Lucius? He was very nice to me when I met him. Of course hes shady- I mean no ones apart of the ministry and isn't a little shady, but he was nice." I defend.

"Never mind (y/n), I just don't want to get into any drama, and I heard the Malfoys are prone to it." Ron says to end the conversation. I roll my eyes. We're at the front of the line. I hand my trolley to the worker on the train and go to find Draco

I spot the back of him, and I don't think he sees me. I smirk and head right in his direction.

Twisted (Year 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang