The Change

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Vi felt sore and achy all over and... hungry?

Before opening her eyes she could smell the scent of Grey G and cigarettes lingering in the air. The small crowd of people gathered around in her room had hushed their voices as soon as Vi stirred.

"V?" Vi asked as she finally opened her eyes, the brightness of the room making her wince. She squinted looking around for the person whose scent she recognized.

"Yeah baby girl, I'm right here." V said as he knelt down on the floor by her bed and took her by the hand. Vi looked at her father and saw joy and relief in his ice eyes. "Did it happen? Did I transition?"

"Yes baby, you made it through like a champ! I'm so happy and so god damn relieved! How do you feel? Do you think your strong enough to feed? ...I've got a chosen here to help you regain some strength. You ready?"

Vi smiled at the love she felt emanating from her father. He was so concerned for her welfare, it reminded her of her mom doing the same thing when she was small. She missed her mom at that moment and sadly nodded yes to her father's question.

Ok y'all, everyone clear out- Vi needs to feed. Butch said while corralling people she didn't even realize were in the room. Vi tried to sit up and hissed at the pain of the blanket scratching her skin.

"No baby doll, try not to move too much at first, your skin is new and really sensitive." V said as he began to ease her back down on the bed.

Before Vi had a chance to respond a young man with the image of a greek god had just entered the room and bowed before her. His hair was golden blonde and he had sea blue eyes. His hair style, Viola thought, seemed too hip for a practicing chosen.

"Hello Viola, my name is Kale and I am here to service you in blood and whatever..."

"Blood will be all she is needing Kale, no other services required, True?" V said curtly while cutting off Kale's monologue.

Vi blushed at Kale as he nodded and apologized. V then kissed Vi's cheek and nodded to Butch to leave. V stood up and went to the door to follow him but not before he looked back to give Vi an encouraging smile.

"No funny business, you hear?" V said looking at Kale. Kale nodded meekly and then looked at the ground, he seemed passive and clearly uncomfortable. Obviously satisfied, V then left and closed the door.

Vi and Kale were finally left alone. Vi's heart was racing not from the new change her body had been through but from something else. She looked nervously at Kale hoping that he wouldn't hear it. It wasn't the way she felt around Rayhne, no, this was just purely instinctual and hormonal. She was clearly aroused. Blushing again, she payed silently that her father could not read her mind right now, as he sometimes was able to do.

"Viola, where would you prefer to take my vein? My wrist or my neck?" Kale asked.

Broken from her thoughts, Vi considered . She looked at his held out arm and then sized up his neck and asked, "What do you prefer, or recommend?"

Kale looked at her and smiled, "Well I enjoy the neck, but it is customary to receive and give blood by the wrist if you are unfamiliar with a person. Saying that though, knowing that you just experienced a change, your nourishment is substantial. I would suggest the neck..."

"Huh...ok " Vi said shyly, nervous and excited all at the same time. She shuffled over to make room for Kale on the bed. He took his cue and laid beside her. Angling his head for easier access to his vein Kale waited patiently for Vi to lean in and bite.

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