Juicy: This Your Kid?

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>Plot: After a series of unfortunate events, Y/n has become the legal guardian of his four year old brother: Samuel. One day, Y/n decides to take Sam to the park to play and and just be a kid, like Y/n never really got to be. After a little while, Y/n loses sight of his baby brother and panics, only to find his little brother with a group of cute and oddly familiar strangers.<

~Your PoV~

"Sammy, are you ready to go to the park?" I asked my little brother as I pulled my jacket on.

"YES!" Sam yelled before jumping onto my back, "mush!" He said, pointing to the door.

I chuckled and readjusted him on my back before exiting my slightly small apartment.

I grumbled as I felt my phone vibrate multiple times from inside of my pocket; no doubt that it was either a phone call or multiple messages from my ex boyfriend Steven.
After the accident, when I first gained custody of Sam, Steven and I were living together in an apartment that he owned, but I paid for. He'd say: "I'll put your name on it when I renew my lease next month," and "babe don't worry about it, I'm looking for a new job!" But my favorite was always; "babe, if I have a job, who's going to look after the kid that you brought home?"

I pulled myself back to reality when I felt Sam kicking his feet, meaning that he was getting antsy.
"Geez bud, calm down. You're going to make me drop you!" I said, pretending to drop him.
"Bubby no!" He giggled as I knelt down to allow him to hop off of my back.
I felt my phone vibrating again.
"Okay Sammy, Bubby has to take care of some adult stuff. You can go play, but make sure you stay in my sight!" I told him in a stern voice.
He saluted me like a little soldier before proceeding to march over to the playscape.
There were a few couples sitting on the benches that were scattered around the park, some single guys and girls were sitting on other benches. And of course there were about ten or twelve kids playing.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tapped on the screen to wake it up. There were eighteen new messages and four missed calls from a number that I didn't recognize, so I looked at the messages and was not at all surprised to see that Steven got another new number.
The messages ranged from "hey baby... guess who," to "you'd better answer me right now or else there will be some very serious consequences!"
I was about to just block the number when I got another message. It was an image.
A picture of Sam, sitting on the swings all by himself.

I don't think I've ever looked up so fast in my life, and when my eyes finally landed on the swing sets, Sam was nowhere to be seen.
My heart started to pound, and I felt my stomach tying my itself into knots as I began searching the suddenly packed playground.
My indescribable panic only doubled when I found one of his little blue and green gloves on the ground.

I looked up again, directly in front of me and saw a man in a familiar green blazer, holding Sam's hand and walking him towards a very familiar red corvette.
I did the only sensible thing that I could think of; I screamed; "STOP KIDNAPPER!"

"That man is trying to kidnap my brother!" I screamed.
The man turned around and I instantly recognized Steven's face. I dropped my phone and my little brothers glove broke into a sprint towards Steven. Before I could get halfway to them, I felt something hit me in the back of the head and knock me out. But before everything went black, I saw a bulky guy with blondish hair 'Bill Goldberg spear' Steven, knocking him to the ground.

—A Few Minutes Later—

~3rd Person PoV~

As soon as you regained consciousness, you immediately sat up and said "where's my brother?" As you attempted to get up. Only to feel a pair of strong hands hold you down.

"Hey, hey, calm down buddy," a deep soothing voice said.

You looked around only for your eyes to meet a pair of beautiful green ones, and a pair of piercing icy blue eyes next to the green ones. You could also hear Sam's giggling close by.

"Who are you guys?" You asked after they finally let you sit up.

"My name is Grant, and this is my good friend Gaege," the blue eyed man said.

"This your kid?" The green eyed guy asked as Sam appeared next him.

"Yes he's mine! Oh my god, Sam!" You said without thinking, and let out a loud sigh.
You covered Sam's ears with your hands before proceeding with your next questions. "What the fuck happened, where's that son of a bitch?" You demanded, once again trying to get up.

"Well, the man that was trying to take your son is currently over there, being gently escorted to that cop car by those big burly police officers," Gaege said.

"Son?" You questioned.

"Oh dats not my dadda, dats my bubby!" Sam replied.

After a few minutes, Gaege and Grant told you what had happened: After you had yelled for help, the two of them jumped into action, with Grant tackling Steven and knocking him to the ground and pinning him there. And Gaege was supposed to get Sam and take him back to you, but you had been knocked out by a wayward baseball.

~Your PoV~

After everything was explained by the two handsome guys, I couldn't help but hug them both tightly.

"This is going to sound like the most cliché thing ever, but how can I ever repay you guys? Can I get you guys lunch or something?" I asked as I wiped tears from my eyes.

"Ooh so hungry, so hungry!" Gaege said in a weird, but familiar voice.

"Juicy stop!" Grant said, smacking the back of Gaege's head.

"Wait a minute. I know that voice..." I trailed off, trying to remember where I e heard that voice before.

Before I could think of it, a cop started walking over to the four of us.

"Excuse me sir, would you and your boyfriend like to press charges on this man for attempted kidnapping?" A cop asked.

"Yes, we would." Gaege said.

"My name is Officer Reynolds, this is my office number, call if you have any questions, alright? I'll get this jackass to the station and get the paperwork started. You two should take your son home and relax," the officer said as he walked away.

As soon as Officer Reynolds was out of earshot, I turned to look at Gaege, who was now holding Sam and grinning from ear to ear.

"Why did you tell him that you were my boyfriend?" I asked.

"I figured that it would make it easier on you, I'd be able to answer some of their questions for you." Gaege replied.

"But you don't even know me, and now, if this goes to court, which it probably will, you will have to be there too, and they'll ask more questions that you don't know the answers to, and then you'll get in trouble for lying while under oath." I replied, running a hand through my h/l  h/c hair.

"Wow. That's a lot of words for 'will you go out on a date with me'" Gaege smirked.

"'Will you go out on a date with me'?" I repeated.

"I'd love to! Let's go!" He replied, grabbing my hand and leading me towards a coffee shop, while still holding Sam, who was now giggling.

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