Visiting Day Tris POV

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        Urgh. I need more sleep. I roll over to the other side of the bed and find that Tobias isn't there. There is also a note on the nightstand saying that he went to get us breakfast. I look down at my stomach. Damn. I'm fat. Like seriously fat. I guess it's not to unusual for a pregnant woman.

        I get out of bed and waddle to the bathroom. I feel like today is special for some reason. I just can't put my finger on it. I'm sure I'll remember later. I get undressed and hop into the shower. After I take my shower I get out and put on my black yoga pants, a black tank top, a skin-tight maternity jacket, and my comfy black running shoes that I love so dearly.

        When I'm done getting dressed I walk into the living room/ kitchen area and sit down in front of the TV. After watching a really old movie about some snow queen who turns summer into winter, I hear the front door open. Tobias must be home. " Tris! I brought doughnuts!" He yells. God he knows me so well. I've been having these weird cravings for foods that I usually wouldn't like. Not that I don't love doughnuts, which I do, it's just that I don't usually have huge cravings for them.

" You know me so well. That's why I love you so much." I tell him as I get up and make my way to the kitchen to grab a doughnut.

" So what time do you want to leave?" He asks me.

" Leave for what?" I ask him with a mouthful of doughnut.

" Did you forget?" He asks me, starting to smile.

" Forget about what?" I ask my husband.

" Today is visiting day. Being trainers, we are required to walk around and meet the initiate's parents, even if they are Candor smart-asses." Tobias says.

" How could I forget about visiting day?! My mom will probably come. Too bad we have to deal with all of the Candors and the Erudites." i tell him." We can leave after I put on some proper clothes. I can't believe you let me sleep 'till noon." He smirks.

" You just looked so peaceful." He says. I flash him a fake smile.

        I go into our bedroom and pull out a pair of dark skinny jeans and leave the tank-top and jacket on. I pull on a pair of black combat boots and head out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen. Tobias and I leave and walk to the Pit, which is incredibly packed with all kinds of different faction colors. Tobias and I walk around and try to find someone we know, anybody.

        After meeting Anna's mother and a bunch of other initiate's parent's, we are finally ready to leave this mad house. We head to the cafeteria, which is just as packed as the Pit. We try to find our friends. Our usual table is filled with Candors. As we look for our friends we find someone who neither of us ever wanted to see again. Marcus Eaton.

OOOOHHHHHHH. WE HAVE SOME TENSION UP IN HERE. Okay. Anyways. Sorry I haven't updated for along time. With school, basketball, and music I have so much going on and hardly find the time to do anything extra. Thank you all so much for 300 reads! It means so much to me that people actually read my work. I didn't think I would ever get 10, let alone 300! I'll try to update as soon as I can! TTYL my poor, unfortunate souls. PS. Sorry it's kinda short.

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