Part 3: The Heroes Test.

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Class was almost finished and Peter was as excited as anyone could ever be. In just a few moments, he was about to meet up with Iron Might. He had no idea what was going to happen but he couldn't wait for the meeting to happen.

"Alright class... I see many of you have filled in your applications and ,as I expected, you're all going for the hero course." The teacher said with an excited tone as he saw all of his students were following their dreams. "Now I know that you all are very talented, but remember that you have to fight for the go-" the teacher was cut off.

The door to the classroom suddenly opened. An assistant from the directors office walked in and handed the teacher a paper. She whispered something into his ear as she pointed at the paper she had just given him. Once she was done, she walked out of the classroom.

"Well... I was going to say that we should fight for good and that we have a prime example in Katsuki Thompson who was the only one applying to MU High." The teacher said.

"Wait a minute... WAS the only one?" Thompson said as he got a bit annoyed.

"You heard me right, I just recieved a notice that our Peter Midoriya will also be applying for MU." The teacher said as he looked at the paper.

There was an abrupt silence in the classroom as everyone turned to look at Peter. Some had a surprised expression while other were just chuckling a little. Peter began to get nervous as he saw Katsuki stand up form his desk and start to walk toward him.

"I-I-I just t-think that e-everyone should a-apply to whatever school t-they like! T-That's all!" He said as Thompson reached his desk.

"A weakling like you? In MU? Please... that's impossible. You just stay out of my way Midoriya... or I'll crush you." Thompson finished as the school bell rang.

Every other student and the teacher started to walk out of the classroom. The only one that stayed in his seat was Peter. He was shaking with a little bit of fear as he just recieved a threat from Thompson.

"No... snap out of it." Peter said to himself as he grew determined. "Iron Might is waiting for you. If anyone could help you out, it's him." He said to himself as he stood up and walked over to the teachers desk.

He grabbed the application he filled earlier in the day and put it in his bag. As soon as he was done, he ran out of the classroom and the school to go meet up with Iron Might.

"What are we going to do today!? Is it some hero training? Is he going to show me how to use my powers? Is he going to give ME a suit!? Nah he wouldn't... would he? Well then let's find out!" Midoriya thought to himself as he was reaching the tunnel he'd met Iron Might at.

"Im here Mr. Stark!" He shouted as he stood at the start of the tunnel. His excitement decreased a little when he saw there was no one there. "Huh... he must be running late?"

Peter walked into the tunnel and went over to the spot he got thrown to the day before. He still couldn't believe that he resisted that impact.

"Could it be that... I really do have hidden abilities from my quirk?" He asked himself as he felt the cracks that were on the wall.

Out of nowhere a loud thump was heard. Peter snapped out of his train of thought and started to talk without seeing who was there.

"Oh, sorry I was a bit early Mr. St-" He ended.

His eyes shot open as his body began to shake. His breathing got alot heavier when he identified who was standing near him.

"Y-Y-You a-again!?" Peter said as he saw the scorpion a few feet away from him.

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