What is This Bitch Afraid of? Find Out HERE.

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Ayyy errybody. So I wasn't tagged directly but Adrian said that everyone who read hers was tagged and what can I say? I'm a woman of mah word. Anyways, I'm actually being really personal with these. I trust you guys enough.

1. Clowns. Most of you probably know why by now but I am completely and utterly scared of them. If I so much as see a picture of the clown from IT, I will go into a full on panic attack. I am SO scared of them.

2. I am afraid of walking outside at night. No, I am not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid because I am a female. I am a much bigger target for sexual assault because of that. It scares me to death. I'm almost as afraid of being raped as I am of clowns. I cannot explain to you the anxiety I feel every time I go to check the mail when it's dark. I live in one of the most secure and safe neighborhoods (if not, the most) in my city but I have paranoia like you would not believe. I guess you could say I live in fear of what might happen to me one day. I'm constantly afraid of it.

3. I'm afraid that I'll never amount to anything or that I'll never be able to do what I want with my life. I feel like it would be a little too personal if I explained why but there is a solid reason behind it.

Aaaannnnnd I think that's about it. I can't really think of anything else. Now then, Imma tag some of you. Thing is: I'm too lazy and Watty won't let me mention more than one user so I tag everyone who reads this. I shit you not.

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