Chapter 1

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Hmm where shall I start...well y/n is a very talented and sweet person she is as beautiful as the pink clouds and baby blue sky.

But sadly y/n's mother left when she gave birth to her, but her father wanted to give y/n and her big brother (Kiro) a good life.

As y/n grew up, Kiro teached y/n the things he knew that's how she became really talented.

BUT, something y/n loved the most was whatching her dad race cars. She loved the designs on the cars and how anything could be unexpected. She wanted to learn that the most but couldn't beacuse she couldn't drive yet.

But since her dad retired at 31. (because of Kiro and y/n) She could only whatch her dad's past races. Y/n wished he could still drive to see what he could have....upgraded.

-middle school-

Ahh...Middle school.....that was when Kagayama Tobio and l/n Y/n first saw eachother...

They hated eachother.

Everything they did was a competition. Being first to lunch. Being first to class. Having the highest test scores (even tho there where bad at it) EVERYTHING was a challenge.

They hated eachother when they found out they both like Racer's and cars. I mean anyone can like them but I guess it was just like that.

But that all ended at 7th grade. Y/n had to move to another Continent to take care of there grandpartents.

And that went, well and like I said y/n had a glow up. I mean though she was already gorgeous at a young age she grew up to be more beautiful.

But anyone guy or girl that would want to be will her went "bye bye". Y/n didn't even know how many people she rejected.

She didn't need to be in a relationship. Like she says "women dont need to have men be to powerful or, ECT" and "trust me the only people I would date are cars"

She wouldnt but she just said that to make them go away.

Her sass and confidence made her more attractive. Who wouldn't want a person like her in there life. Well easy that one person is..

Tobio kagayama.

It was the same for him girls threw themselves all over him and cling on to him like he some magnet. He was just like oikawa but hated the attraction it always distracted him from learning about cars.

While kageyama and y/n where apart forgetting they both EXISTED. They both learn how to work a car and...

How to drive one.


Haha anywho umm I think i did good😅it's not my best but I'll keep doing it.

That's all my friends💖 I have to go know I'll be bad next week

(I need to plan a schedule for this😅)

Tiktok: just.another.hinata
Insta: another.hinata (yes I'm a roleplayer😭)

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