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You woke up with pain filling your senses. Your head was pounding and due to that you were disoriented "Oh. You're awake. How do you feel?" You heard a voice unfamiliar to you. Your face flashed with fear as you saw the room was nothing but white 'the institution?' You tried to stand up but couldn't due to being handcuffed to the bed "If I were you I wouldn't move a lot. Your still coming down from a sedative." The fear you felt was worse now. The older lady noticed this and was about to say something but you kicked the table beside you when you noticed her walk towards you.

You didn't say a word. You were terrified. 'How am I back here? Why am I here? Where is Chuuya?' The door flew open and in a flash you were engulfed in a hug. Still confused and scared you started to kick and scream but then the person spoke and you calmed down "You're okay." You melted into the hug and trembling you attempted to hug back. You stayed in his embrace frozen in fear "Dazai why am I back at this hell hole? Where is Chuuya?" You whispered to him. Dazai let go and cupped your face "y/n you're not back at the institute. You're at the Armed Detective Agency." You were confused.

The fear you once felt leaving your body and turning into anger. You remembered what happened. You snapped. The chains that was holding you down broke and you punched Dazai sending him flying " WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DAZAI OSAMU!? YOU BETRAY THE MAFIA THEN YOU BETRAY ME!?" "Y/n please-" you sent a kick to his stomach making him cough up blood. You were enraged. You currently saw nothing but red.

Dazai knew this would happened THATS why he told the others not to interfere no matter what. Unless Dazai himself called for them they were to stay away. He knew you would attack him. He knew you would be confused.

"Y/n let me explain." "EXPLAIN!?" You fell silent your hair covering your face. Dazai felt uneasy. And rightfully so, when you looked up you had a crazed look on your face. "You can explain when you're dead Osamu." "ATSUSHI!" The young male flung himself threw the door and held you down.

You kicked Atsushi off of you which surprised him and Dazai. "Ability: Spirit of the Dead: Silver Tiger: Umber!" "Shit!" Without warning Atsushi was thrown across the room. You stood up and wiped yourself off. "Kill them." Is all you said and to that you tiger roared louder then Atsushi. "Kunikida!" Dazai tossed him a needle and then lunged towards you. Once you noticed him you were about to activate you other ability until you felt a sharp pain in your neck again.

This time the saditive taking effect faster you knocked out and Dazai caught you. Your tiger disappeared and you were asleep in Dazai arms.

"Dazai. I don't think she will join if she reacted that bad. Just let her leave." Dazai snapped his head towards Kunikida "No. I made a promise to her. I'm not breaking it." Dazai stood up carefully holding you bridal style and then placed you on the bed.

"Dazai, what's your relationship with her?" Atsushi asked the question everyone has been wondering since you were brought here. Everyday Dazai would check on you. Even though he was cheerful he wasn't as cheerful. "I made a promise to her that i intend to keep." Is the only thing he says before going quite and making sure she was ok. Everyone left and it was just the two of them. "I promised I would get you out y/n. I know it might not be how you wanted but, I'm trying."

~ Flashback ~

"Dazai." Said male hummed in response "I want to live in the light. I want to be able to live and not have to worry about anyone coming to kill me." Dazai was amused at you "Wow your only 14 yet you already sound like your fed up with this life." He laughed and the younger female pouted "Shut up! You're not that much older than me!" "Y/n I'm three years older than you~" you rolled your eyes "whatever." Dazai laughed.

Dazai wasn't sure about how he felt about you but he knew he cared for you slightly. Maybe because you're the only person to somewhat understand him but he wasn't sure. "Hey y/n." You hummed "One day I'll take you away from this world so you can live the life you dream of. You just have to trust me ok?" You tilted your head at the male and nodded "Okay. I'll trust you Dazai, but you have to come with me." Dazai was stunned by your words but reluctantly agreed "Alright." You smiled at the male even though you knew he was lying to you.

~ end of flashback ~

Once again you woke up with a pain to your head. You felt something holding your hand you looked over and saw Dazai sleeping, his hand holding onto yours. Your heart sped up a little but then you remembered what happened. Someone knocked on the door bringing you out of your trance "Oh good you're awake." He moved out of the way and walked towards you.

He stood in front of your bed completely ignoring the sleeping Dazai "I don't know your relationship with Dazai but whatever it is you need to make a decision." You were confused "What?" He frowned, face full of annoyance. "Did he not tell you?" Is all the male in front of you said. You tilted your head in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Clear annoyance was evident on your face. You didn't like to repeat yourself to anyone and this man isn't helping with the fact you're pissed. The male was about to speak up until a certain chestnut haired male woke up. "I'll take it from here Kunikida~ I'm pretty sure you're extremely busy right now so just leave everything to me~" said male rolled his eyes and left.

You looked at the male your face scrunched with anger. Dazai laughed "If I were you I would wipe that look off you face, love." The way he spoke reminded you of his last life. A chill of fear rushed threw you and you were on your guard. "What do you want?" Your eyes narrowed at the male. "Simple for you to join the agency." You laughed "Funny joke." Dazai grabbed your chin so you were looking at him.

"You don't have a choice my love."

His voice was deep and seductive. You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. "What do you mean?"

Dazai let go "When you were in Europe you were doing work for yourself: The Temptress, not as the Port Mafia Devil's Advocate." You tilted your head in confusion but then your eyes widened. "I have you here captured. I can turn you in and they will lock you away forever. As you know the only reason why you can do mafia work is because Mori has the permit." You knew you were fucked now "And since you: The Temptress, don't have the permit. You will be thrown in jail if your caught."


Dazai smirked. He knew he had you right where he wanted you. "Here's the thing. Join the agency and we can work out a way for your name to be cleared. If you don't, I'll just turn you in, my love." You bite your lip, a bad habit you had when you were stumped "How did you-" "Who do you think?" He asked amused.

Of course you had suspicions that Mori would try to get rid of you. But this?!

"I hate you Osamu Dazai."

He once again grabbed your chin and with a devilish smirk that sent of chill of excitement down your spin spoke

"And I love you y/n Nakahara."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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