haruhis hangout

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(Ri) hey fujioka

(H) hey Ritsu

(A) hey guys

(Ri) hey aari

(H) so what are you guys doing?

(A) we were going to go to the theater room since we wanted to act out fun scenes from plays

(R) wanna join us?

(H) yeah I'll go with you guys

(Ri) awesome this will be fun

(A) hey haruhi how has your dad been?

(H) he's on a business trip in America so he will be gone for a few months

(A) oh well you can always stop by at my parents house since we got a call from your dad saying he will be away for some time and incase of anything check up on you

(H) yeah he worries alot about me

(A) incase of anything we are your close friends so you can tell us anything

*alone in theater*

(H) you two promise you won't tell anyone this secret?

(A) we promise

(Ri) I won't tell anyone but what is it?

(H) *stands to the side and lifts jacket up* I'm pregnant

(A) whoa who's the father?

(Ri) do you know who's it is?

(H) yes I know *pulls jacket down* but I can't tell anyone yet

(A) why?

(H) the host club knows because it's one of them who got me pregnant

(Ri) Suo? Ootori? Hitachiin? Nozuka?

(H) I can't tell you guys yet until I know that the father of this baby is willing to stay in my life and be a father to it

(A) you don't want to raise the baby alone and getting each of the members opinions on it helps understand it they are going to be there for you and the baby

(H) yeah I worry if I tell the dad then their whole reputation will be ruined for getting a child at seventeen

(Ri) because everyone here is either commenor or big lead rich business person or are apart of a rich family

(H) yeah if the father doesn't accept the baby then I have to raise it alone with my dad

(A) well you have me and Ritsu to help incase of anything

(Ri) yeah we got your back fujioka

Pregnant Haruhi but who's the father?Where stories live. Discover now