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Sunset Blvd, California
March 23rd, 1992

The chilled water lapped comfortably across Alex' bare feet. His shoes lied on the dock beside him, and the voices of those who had yet to tire to their homes echoed quietly in the distance behind him. The fourteen year old had never adapted well to change, and having had moved from his home in Minnesota more than halfway through freshmen year, was a change he still was fitting into. Of course he was grateful his mother's cookbook had received the recognition it had, as well as the new, more liberal environment of Hollywood, but the feeling of a house that didn't yet feel quite like home was less than satisfying; not to mention he still hadn't exactly found his niche in terms of the social scene. Sure he wasn't exactly alone alone, there were students he could sit with at lunch and ones he could hold a conversation with in class, but none he'd see outside of class on his own accord.

However, that all changed as two boys came gallivanting down the dock behind him.

"Aye whatcha doin all alone 'ere? Get blown off on a date or somethin?" A brunette asked, dropping in inelegantly to the ground beside him.

"Oh uhh, no no I was just," he gestured to the vast expanse of water. "catching the view." A slight laugh sounded.

"You're new, right? I recognize you from math class with Smiths." The other boy questioned.

"Uh yeah, yeah I'm Alex."

The boys both jumped with their arms reached out in a dramatic fashion.

"I'm Luke." The shorter of the two announced.


Alex smiled awkwardly in acknowledgement, to which Reggie let out a puff of air. "You're not much of a talker are ya?" He asked.

Luke elbowed him, eliciting a small 'ouch' from the latter, before both of them sat down on opposite sides of the blonde.

"So, you play?" The shorter asked.

Alex raised an eyebrow in question, turning to the brunette boy. "Huh?"

"Music ya goof! You got an AC/DC shirt on; you play or just like t' listen?" He restated.

"Oh, I mean I was in my school's band class back home but, I don't if that really counts." Alex responded.

"Nah man that's awesome! Whaddya play?" The other—Reggie, piped up.


Luke and Reggie looked at each other with eyes wide open, then gave the same glance to the boy between them excitedly. Luke placed his hand on the wide of Alex' back, gently shaking him.

"Dude! Do you think you could show us?" He asked.

"Yeah man! We've been looking for a drummer for like, ever!" Reggie told him.


Reggie popped his collar. "Well uh, not to brag but we're in a band. Kinda a big deal 'round here."

"We're called sunset curve." Luke rattled back.

"Tell your friends."

"I don't really have any at the moment." Alex told the two of them, immediately regretting it the moment the words left his mouth. Great way to make yourself seem like a loser. He chided internally.

"Ahh, that's too bad. Here I was thinkin we just became yours." Luke sighed sarcastically, before giving him a smile.

Alex returned it happily, then gave another to Reggie.

Quickly after, Alex showed the two boys some of his drumming on some buckets—as neither of the three had any legitimate drum sets of their own, and was officially inducted into the band, and a blossoming friendship.

A month down the line they met Bobby, a private school attendee with a talent for playing bass, and as three became four, a house became a home in the city of Hollywood.

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