My biggest fear

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"What's it like being bi?" You may ask.  It's fuc*ing awful. You spend a couple years trying to figure out who you're going to tell first and how you're going to tell them. It took me 5 years to tell myself in the mirror! It took me 4 more years to tell my best friend. No one else knows but you and my best friend. I didn't even tell my mom yet. I've watched so much coming out videos, and I still can't say it out loud. I can't bring myself to tell my mom just yet. It's so hard to live like this. To have no one there for you. You're always crying. Always so alone. I just wish I could tell some one else. I wish I could talk to some one. That would be so much more easy, but the thing is.: being bi, gay or lezbion isn't really normal where I'm from. If I tell anyone about me being bi I'm scared no one well except me. I'm scared that I'll just get bullied for being different. I'm telling you this and you probably don't even care. I just really need to let it all out. I'm crying right now. I feel really stupid, but I can't stop. I can't hold all the tears back any longer. I've been holding my tears in for 9 years, and I can't hold them in any more. If there is anyone. ANYONE out there who feels the same pain I do. Please tell me, and I'll do my best to help you through it. If you're not comfortable telling me. That's okay. I know how hard it is to talk about it. Don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. This is your life. Don't let anyone else try to control it. You do what you want. Do it when you want to do it. If anyone is struggling with coming out. I hope I helped you a little bit.

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