Mwee! Mwee! Mwee! Everything's about mwee!!! :3

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Mwee! Mwee! Mwee! Everything's about mwee!!! :3

1. I'm a girl. Duh! You knew that, right?

2. I'm a Gemini. So sometimes I'm an angel and other times, a devil. Thus, my username, TheAngelInTheDevil!

3. Third time's the charm! Happens to me all the time.

4. @TrinityBreeze and @BloodyDagger are my besties. BFFs ne~

5. I LUV sweet things! Chocolate, ice cream, pancakes, wafers, candies, milkshakes... *drools*

6. I'm watching a Hong Kong Drama now because of my mom. T^T I wanna anime though!

7. I go to a private school.

8. Exams and homework are my enemies! Who wants to help me fight them? War!!!!!!

9. Part of my locker's passcode. Not telling you the other two numbers!

10. I like violet, blue and pink.

11. The word which best describes me now is BORED.

12. I know ballet and piano.

13. I'm okay in academics but horrible in sports. That's why I'm in the deco team.

14. My age.

15. I had two turtles but they're dead now. Just dead.

16. I have long hair that I absolutely refuse to cut. Absolutely.

17. I like curry and sambal but I cry every time coz' it's sooo spicy! Am I torturing myself?

18. I don't any brothers or sisters. The only child~

19. I'm watching Tokyo Ravens lately. Why did Natsume die?!!!!!!!!! ;~;

20. I'm lazy~ So this ones gonna be blank~











Is it illegal to nominate so many people?

Who cares???

And thanks @FoxcatAl for nominating me! :)

20 Facts About TheAngelInTheDevil!Where stories live. Discover now