Period Part 1 (Chapter 12)

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This chapter's pov will be on y/n and chrollo and some of shizuku
*your pov*
You woke up to a smell of bacon,
But then wondered how this place has wifi and electricity.
"Smells good" you said quietly, and got dressed. Nothing much just a oversized t-shirt i stole from Chrollo and some shorts.

In the kitchen
To be honest i never noticed this part of the place- well i never stepped foot out of my room except that time i took my fries from chrollo.
"Morning Sleepyhead"
"Hey chrollo..." I said while yawning
"I made pancakes"
"Is..That my shirt?"
I looked down at the shirt and nodded.
"Where did you get it?"
"I stole it from you duh"
He chuckled and handed me my plate.
"You chuckle alot" i said blankly
" okay?" He asked
"YES, SHUT UP" i threw my plate,went to my room and shut the door.

*Chrollo's Pov*
'I am very confused'
"Boss, shes on her period." I heard Shizuku say.
"Whats that-"
"She bleeds out of her vag- pee hole." She said while laughing.
"Me,Machi and Pakunoda go through it also. Every month, if your gonna keep her tend to her needs. Im going out to get her personal stuff. Bye, boss."
She said while walking out.
'Out of her...'
I looked down at the gift i was gonna give y/n...
'How will i do that'
I walked to her door knocking on it.
I flinched.

"C-can i c-come i-in?"
'Here goes nothing'
I opened the door to see a crying y/n, i ran over to her.
"What's Wrong?!"
"I-i'm sorry for yelling at you"
She put her head in my chest.
"It's okay, here" i hand her the gift.
"W-whats this" she sniffed her stuffy nose.
"Open it silly" i ruffled her hair.
She opened the gift and her eyes widened.
"Yeah i need mines back"
I said while taking my phone.
"T-thank you b-baka" She said snuggling her head into me.
"Also, i-i need a shower" she said.
"Sure" i took her hand and showed her the bathroom.
"Do you need any clothes?"
She nodded.
"Ill call shizuku and tell her to pick up some clothes for you shes already out getting your 'personal stuff'"
She nodded and closed the door.
'What am i gonna do with her'
I peeked my head in the bathroom.
"Can i use your phone to listen to music until i set mines uo?"
"Of course"
I handed her my phone and closed the door.
After a while i heard singing from her room. I think she was singing...."Mr.Loverman"? I wonder who she is singing about.
I shook it off and continued to clean up the food and glass she threw this morning.
*Your POV*
"...And I miss my loverman..." Then the song ended. I wonder what Hisoka is up to... Is he looking for me? If he did he would've visited here, but he hasn't these walls are really hallow i would've heard his voice from my bathroom. The ad finished and the next song came up.
"Walk in the room, take of your coat. You look so nice I've been so cold... You wanna be my special one.... I cannot breath please just go home....Michelle,Michelle,You are a monster from hell. Michelle, Michelle. You are a monster from~ Hell..." I continued to hum along because i can't hit those notes.
(These songs are from my playlist)
I felt tears coming from my eyes.
"The hell?"
I got out and looked down.
*Chrollos POV*
I heard y/n singing her heart out.
'Poor girl' i was sitting on a stool reading when i saw Shizuku walk in with 6 bags.
"Whats all that?"
"Her 'stuff' and clothes, where should i put them"
"Your a girl you can put them in her room just make sure you tell her its you shes emotional"
"Lol ok"
*Shizuku's POV*
I walked to y/n's room knocking on the door.
i heard from a distance, i walked in and nobody was in the room i figured she was in the bathroom.
"Your pads, tampons, extra clothes, underwear. Are on your bed." I said.
"Thank you---?"
"Thank you Shizuku!"
I smiled knowing she can't see me, and exited the room.
*Your POV*
I peeked out of the bathroom and saw 6 bags. I grabbed all of them and ran to the bathroom.
"Tampons,Pads,Clothes,Underwear,CHOCOLATE ROBOTS" i hugged the box.
"What else.."
"Starbucks..a heating pad, 2 oversized hoodies and some perfume" that's it. Shizuku is a God! I slipped a tampon in
(Im so sorry 😭😻)
Got dressed and ran out of my room to the kitchen where i saw Shizuku and Chrollo talking i hugged Shizuku and thanked her she ruffled my hair and hugged me back. I saw Chrollo smile from the corner of my eye i hugged Chrollo.
"Im going back to my room"
I put my coffee in the fridge.
I walked back to my room regretting running. I went back to the bathroom checking to see if any blood slipped out and thank god there wasn't. I put on the black hoodie shizuku gave to me.
As i was sitting on my bed i noticed the bedsheet was white.
"Im gonna have a problem"
I shook it off, covered up and turned on Netflix. As i was scrolling through shows i saw a movie called 'Mirai' i turned it on.
I then took my new phone out of its box. Setting the headphones and charger to the side. "Let's see" i powered it on and waited for it to load up. I looked up at the tv and saw a little boy smacking his sister in the head with a bullet train because she wouldn't stop crying. I busted out laughing.
" going to hell..." I heard a chime coming from my phone it was starting back up.

~Time Skip brought to you from monokuma~

After a while i finally got my phone set up. I found the playlist i had made on Chrollo's phone.
The playlist consisted of 39 songs.
I got my headphones and noticed a box in the 2 box. I opened it and saw a phone case

Im a lil freaked out she knows my taste but im not worried this phone case is badass!I put the phone case on my rose gold phone and like it was cued heather started playing"Why me"Instead of skipping it i let it play

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Im a lil freaked out she knows my taste but im not worried this phone case is badass!
I put the phone case on my rose gold phone and like it was cued heather started playing
"Why me"
Instead of skipping it i let it play.
*Chrollos POV*
Listening to Shizuku talk about the phone case she got y/n made. I sorta zoned out. I was thinking about how i betrayed Hisoka like that. I mean i took y/n from him because if my selfishness... But i made my mind im not giving her back! She's happy with us.
*Your POV*
I stopped my music and payed attention to the tv. The movie was really good, and sad... But anywaysss~
After a while the movie ended i got bored. I walked out of my room to go see chrollo i unpaused my music and slipped my phone in my pocket.
"Hey guys"
They both looked up and waved i took my seat next to Chrollo.
"What's up y/n?"
"My movie ended and i got bored"
"You finished setting your phone up already?"
I gave him a 'Mhm', he took my phone out of my pocket and looked at it.
"Cool phonecase"
"Thanks" i said with my head on the marble kitchen island.
"Whats wrong?"
Suzuki asked
"My cramps are acting up and the heating pad isn't working"
"Oh i can make you some tea?"
"If you want" i said blankly
She got up to make the tea. Chrollo handed me my phone back and layed his head on the kitchen island with me. He gave me a warm comforting smile. With made me feel a little better. I gave him a smile back. He patted my head and sat back up when Shizuku gave us our tea. Chrollo let his cool off but im a inpatient person so i went to drink it and spilt the hot tea I fell out of my chair and started crying. Chrollo handed me his hand but i slapped it and went to my room.
*Chrollos POV*
When y/n slapped my hand and stormed of Shizuku started laughing. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.
*Your POV*
I slammed my door and hid under the covers, and just like that i fell asleep.

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