Chapter Ten: Seventh Year, March

Start from the beginning

A blur occurred then, again. Spells were thrown across the room and she tried to keep up as Harry and Ron duelled Draco and his mother. She watched Draco take their wands and felt a pair of arms pull her up to a standing position. A cold, sharp blade was pressed at her throat and she whimpered against the deranged witch that was holding her hostage. Draco's face was a mess of emotion and she knew that he was about to do something stupid so she caught his gaze and gave the tiniest shake of her head. His back straightened at the gesture and he remained still. Hermione watched, not hearing anything besides a faint squeak from above. She tipped her head back to watch as Dobby, the house elf, sat on top of the chandelier. At the last second, the feeling came back to her body and she threw herself forwards as the chandelier crashed to the floor.

A pair of arms had secured her before she could fall to the ground and she was surprised when she saw that they were Draco's.

'Take these.' He hissed, shoving the wands into her hands and letting her go. He gave her a gentle push towards Ron and moved out of the way, praying that no one had seen what he did.

Before they both knew it, Dobby had apparated everyone to safety and Bellatrix was too angry to have noticed Draco's defiance, so he prayed that Hermione was safe now, far away from him.

Hermione landed in the wet sand and clutched her chest, a heavy sob building deep inside of her. The pain was almost too much to handle; it was coming from her arm, her nerves, her chest, her heart. Everything hurt and she could barely hold back the tears as Ron held her, trying to ask if she was alright.

She couldn't speak, especially when she remembered the wands that were held tightly in her grip. Was he going to die for what he did for her?

'Hermione!' Ron shouted.

'It hurts Ron.' She gasped.

'I know it does.' He said in a quieter voice. 'Let's get you to the house.'

She didn't remember much after Ron picked her up, she must have let the pain consume her as she shut her eyes.

She dreamed of Fifth Year.

'Merlin, Granger.' Draco said as she threw herself into his arms.

She didn't say anything, but he could hear her crying into his chest. Crying girls weren't his favourite, but he let her get all of her emotions out and simply wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

'I thought I'd lost you.' Draco whispered into her hair after a few minutes.

'I'm sorry for what happened to your father.' She mumbled into his chest.

'Don't.' Draco said harshly. 'It's nothing to do with you.'

'I was there. You blamed Harry but all of us were there.' She replied.

'From what I've heard, you got hit by a curse. You didn't do anything.'

'But-.' She tried to say, but he cut her off with a kiss.

'Let's not talk about that, I'm just glad you're okay. When I heard you were in the hospital wing unconscious, my father was the last thing on my mind.'

'My last thought was of never seeing you again.' She admitted, resting her head back on Draco's chest.

'Always so desperate for a snog.' Draco smirked, earning him a shove. But he proved his point when he pulled her in for a passionate kiss and she melted into his touch.

A minute later he pulled away. 'Look, I don't know what's going to happen next year...'

'Let's not think about that now.' Hermione said. 'The war is starting, we both have to do what we need to do. I might not agree with what you decide, but I know who you are beneath those choices.'


'What's my rule for this cupboard?' She snapped.

'Hermione,' Draco whispered. 'I can't be certain what side I'm going to fight on in the war, but if it comes down to a choice between you and me...'

'I know.' She said with a sad smile.

'No, you don't.' He argued. 'I'll choose you. However I have to do that, I'll choose you. Please remember that.'

'Draco.' She whispered, tearing up again.

'Trust me.' He said, simply, before pulling her in for their final kiss of Fifth Year.

Hermione woke up in an unfamiliar bed, Ron and Harry sat by her side. She'd been crying in her sleep and could feel how swollen and red her face was.

'What happened?' She asked, confused.

Harry explained what happened at Malfoy Manor and how they managed to escape and it all came back to Hermione. She remembered Draco saving them, potentially risking his life, and her dream made sense. He would always choose to protect her, no matter what side it looked like he belonged to. It gave her some form of comfort as she looked down at her bandaged arm. He had given her her life in exchange for a scar on her arm; in the height of war, it was enough.

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