Chapter 1: The Boy and his Dog

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Bluebird Orphanage
Bristol, England
Monday September 4th 1911

While the other children of the orphanage were playing outside a young boy with blond hair a white shirt and suspenders and a gray jacket sat in his bedroom with a picture of his mother doing ballet his name was Charlie Hughes

while his dog a German Shepard named Forrest who wore an ascot around his neck (and was named after the civil war hero Nathan Bedford Forrest) was eating food from his dog dish he was looking at the photo wondering what it would've been if his celebrated his 12th birthday with his mother


Oh Forrest said Charlie as he scratched behind his ears

Just then a lady in a blue dress entered the room and it was the orphanage's owner Mrs. Wood she was carrying a chocolate cupcake with a candle on top to give to him

Charlie, I've brought you something said Mrs. Wood

I'm not hungry said Charlie

Look Charlie something is bothering every year on your birthday, you should be excited you're 12 years old today plus you have another adoption interview tomorrow said Mrs. Wood

136! that's how many interviews since I was a baby, 136 said Charlie

Oh Come now, you're just exaggerating said Mrs Wood

Charlie then a piece of paper which was filled with tally numbers and showed it to Mrs Wood and the total was 136


and I'll be turning 13 next September and do you know how hard it is for a young teenager to get adopted? No One will want me! yelled Charlie

Don't say that! said Mrs Wood

My mother didn't even want me and she abandoned me said Charlie as he welled up

Stop It! You don't know that Charlie said Mrs Wood

How come she didn't want to keep me did she not love me? cried Charlie

Charlie I'm sure she loved you and I'm sure she was thinking about what was best for you I'm sure she wanted to care for you but she had no choice but to let you go and I'm sure wherever she is right now she'll always think of you said Mrs Wood

Thanks Mrs Wood said Charlie

Mrs.Wood then handed Charlie the cupcake and he closed his eyes, made his wish and blew out the candle

Happy Birthday Charlie said Mrs Wood

4 Days Later
Saturday September 9th 1911

While Charlie was playing hopscotch with the other children Forrest went exploring the neighbourhood behind the orphanage

From Forrest' perspective

I peeked over the fence of one of the neighbour's house and saw my friend a Beagle named Spike

Hey Spike how've you been? I said

I'm Alright Mate,  how's Charlie been? asked Spike

Not so Good yesterday on his birthday all he kept thinking about was his mum I just wish there was a way to help him find his mum I said

There is one way said Spike

How? I asked

Run away with Charlie said Spike

The minute I heard those words I thought he was mad about leaving the orphanage though on the other paw Charlie had been talking about running away to find out where his mum is for months he even somehow scored maps to various places in the world like Paris, Barcelona even America which was where he really wanted to go to start looking

You're balmy Spike I mean- I-I

Forrest answer me this do you love Charlie and most importantly do you want to help him find his family asked Spike

He's my best friend I course I love him I'm going with him, I'm going to help him find his family I said

That's the spirit But where you would go? asked Spike

Well Charlie has always wanted to go to America but I don't even know how we would get there I said

I think know a way said Spike

You Do? I said

Word has been going around the neighbourhood that in Southampton they're building a big ship that'll be completed by the end of the year and that ship will be going to America in April of next year said Spike

Where in America? I asked

New York City I believe? Spike answered

Really? what's the name of the ship I asked Spike

I don't remember the name of the ship but I think it's called Titanic or something like that- hey where are you going? said Spike

I quickly ran back to the orphanage to show Charlie how we would get to America without even saying anything to Spike the minute I got back Charlie was in going back inside to get ready for dinner tonight.

After dinner the children gathered in front of the projector screen to watch Georges Méliès A Trip To The Moon, Mrs Wood said it would help them have sweet dreams after the film everybody went to their rooms to go to sleep at around 11 o'clock when everybody was fast asleep Charlie got out of bed and took out a shoebox from his under his bed which was filled with maps from all over the world including places in England and also inside the box was a picture of his mother when she was pregnant with him

Forrest come here boy which map should we look at first? said Charlie

Forrest then put his paw on the first map which was on how to get to Southampton and he barked twice

I'm not sure there's anything in Southampton Forrest said Charlie

Forrest then began barking insisting Charlie he check it out so he did

What's in Southampton Forrest? asked Charlie

Forrest then began scratching the wall and above was a painting of a ship sailing into the sunset he then began barking at the painting

A Ship? that'll take us where? said Charlie

Forrest then carried a map in his mouth was a map to New York City

That's it! we're going to New York City! said Charlie excitingly

Charlie! Go to sleep! it's yelled one of the boys in the rooms next door

Then Charlie and Forrest began planning their journey to Southampton for the next few months.

That's the end of Chapter 1 Chapter 2 will be coming soon - Leonard458

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