🌸chapter four🌸

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**I read in another life today to celebrate bokuto's birthday. No regrets. It was so good I cried to much.**

*suga's pov*

I feel like a zombie.
I'd spent last night tossing and turning, annoyed at myself for hugging hinata out of no where.
At around 11 pm I'd gotten a message from yams who had surprised me by asking if my little wanted a play date, I wanted to agree and see who his little was, but I replied saying I'll check if he was comfortable with it.
S- hey hinata
H- hi suga-senpai!!
S- how would you like a play date with yams and his little?
H- th-that sounds like fun but will he tell the team?
S- I'll ask him not to :)
H- than sure! Sounds like fun!
S- great I'll set it up, see you tomorrow
H- bye! <3

My breath caught as I stared at the heart in the message- should I reply with one as well?  Was he being friendly? Ahhhhh why is this so confusing!
I quickly replied to yamagucci to stop my over thinking, and settled the planning.
*hinata's pov*

Today was Saturday, the day of the play date at yamagucci's house. I hadn't regressed all week in anticipation.
Suga came to my house around 11 and we walked there together, I liked the private times I've been getting with him, it feels like we're getting much closer.
We arrived at around half 11 and I was already on the verge on regressing because I was so excited but also so hungry. I was trying to hide it though because I didn't want to bother suga before we even got there.
Of course I sucked at it.
"Hinata~" I huffed not knowing how to reply because on the one hand I wanted to complain about lunch, and on the other hand ik I should be big.
"Baby you don't have to hold back, we're almost there so it's ok"
I looked up at suga-san and see he's not judging me at all.. Ok than.. I guess I'll trust him.

*suga's pov*

I knocked a few times on the door and stood back. I was holding hinata's hand as he wouldn't stop chasing birds and grumbling about being hungry. He had tried to hide that he was slipping, but I was getting better at telling.
Yamagucci opened the door and we greeted each other.
"Hi senpai! I'm so sorry my little slipped already! But please come in lunch is almost ready!" He seemed pretty flustered, which I'm not too surprised about as he had mentioned his little was a brat.
"It's okay yams you can do what you need I'll bring hinata into the living room."
"Oh thank you s- oh so I guessed right! Hey shouyo!"
"Ah he's slipped too and he's being quite grumpy- wait you guessed?"
"Oh yeah well the timing of you guys getting close was pretty close yanno,"
"Ahh okay"
I helped hinata take off his shoes and we stepped into the yamagucci residence.
"I got to go keep an eye out on the rice and tsukki is in the living room, I've gotten all the toys out, uhm help yourself I'll be right back!" Yamagucci rushed out before I could process he said Tsushima's name.
I walked into the living room with shouyo with wide eyes, almost expecting someone else with the same name.
But no, there he was, our other middle blocker sat there wearing a dinosaur wonzi, coloring in some pictures.
"I want a wonzi too!" Hinata whimpered from my side, causing tsukki to look up.
I was unsure of what I was meant to do so I gave him an uncertain smile.
He stared at hinata for a few seconds before stating loudly, "I have more! You can borrow one if you play dinosaurs with me!"
Shouyo peeked out from behind my legs, "really?? Okay!!"
The littles quickly ran into the other room, and I settled down onto the sofa.
Five minutes later, yams came back into the living room to inform me lunch will be ready in two minutes as he's letting it cool because of how rushed our littles eat their food.
"Where are they by the way?"
"Tsukishima is letting hinata borrow a wonzi"
"Huh that's unlike him"
"Hinata promised to play dinosaurs with him"
"Ah that explains it."
As yams finished his sentence, tsukishima ran into the room rawring with hinata close behind, flapping his arms cawing.
Hinata ran up to me, still flapping his arms and said, "look papa I'm a crow!!" He did a 360 to show the tiny wings attached to the black wonzi.
"Oh my god you look so cool!" I gushed over him and he bathed in the attention.
Tsuki came up behind hinata, seeming annoyed that he had all the attention and said, "I'm a dinosaur." He said it with such seriousness, it was a chore to not laugh.
"I can see that! I almost took you for the real deal! Gave me a huge fright!"
He grinned at my statements and turned back to his toys but this time with hinata, no doubt to finally play with dinosaurs.
After lunch, I sat down with yams on the sofa, looking over the littles who'd move onto playing house.
"How long have you been his caregiver?" I couldn't stop myself from asking out of curiosity.
"We've been together since childhood, and one day he was acting weird, and wouldn't tell me why. But after being bugged all day he let me know. And after that I swore to look after him. He's always looking after me, it feels good to finally help him."
I smiled at him as he focused his gaze on tsukishima. "That's actually so sweet."
Yamagucci's ears turned bright red, "u-uhm well yeah I guess."
I gave a small smile, and our conversation was interrupted by hinata and tsukishima demanding we play with them.
"ByeEeeEe!" Hinata yelled as he jumped up and down beside me, as we waved from the driveway or yamagucci's house.
"Bye shouyo come again!" Yams yelled out and tsukishima waved from behind him, pouting that the play date was over already.
I waved one last time before dragging the hyperactive hinata along with me back down towards his house.
Once we were back in his house, I tried to tuck hinata to bed but he just kept kicking the blanket off.
"Baby you need to sleep now." I tried to use my stern voice.
"No!" He pouted, "I wanna play more!"
"You played all afternoon. Now if you ever wanna play with tsukki again, you'll let me tuck you in now."
He fell silent at that threat and stared up at me. I sighed and was finally able to tuck the blanket over him in peace.
As I turned to leave, I heard a whimper and quickly turned back to see hinata near tears. I quickly got back to the side of the bed, "honey what's wrong!"
"You were gonna leave without kissing me goodnight!" Tears fell from hinata's eyes and my eyes widened.
Swiping away the tears from his cheeks, I replaced them with gentle kisses.
"There." I leaned back, "I'm sorry I forgot"
He stared up at me still pouting.
I booped his nose, "come on give me a little smile now~"
He giggled and went under the sheets, I smiled fondly and got back up.
"Night night darling"
"Good night papa!"
**Ayo read a bunch of angst in class, I was bawling at lunch and I'm pretty sure my friends think I'm crazy.. Anyways.. Downloaded amino today and I nearly cried because I was too shy and kept apologizing 😺**

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