I shook my head, trying to hide my dislike of the entire situation. "Nah sorry, I gotta go find Asuma-Sensei. He's training me too remember?" 

Sakura sighed. "Okay, fine. But don't over do it!"

I nodded and started walking away. "Give my best to Lee."





I sighed, frustrated. I walked allover the village, but couldn't find Asuma. Not at the store he bought his cigarettes from, not at his home, not at restaurants I knew him and the rest fo the team to be at. No where.  I swear it's like he's purposely avoiding me. He always seems to forget that he's training me in afternoon to evening. At least Gai remembers... Even if Gai does go overboard  and wakes me up two hours earlier than needed... Nevermind, I prefer Asuma.

I scratched my head, thinking of options. Maybe I should go get something to eat? It should pass the time, plus I did miss lunch.. Lunch sounds pretty good too.. My head spun around, seeing a nearby restaurant. Hastily with thoughts of food in my mind, I walked up to the door and pulled it open, only to see Asuma and Kurenai They stopped talking and stared down at me shocked. I raised an eyebrow. My anger for Asuma for not being around vanished and a devious smile appeared on my face, "Are you guys out on a date?"

Their faces got a pinkish color and they both shook their head. "Ah! O-of course not!" I crossed my arms, the knowing smile still on my face as I looked them up and down. "Uh-huh. Sure." Asuma faked laughed. "You know this is quite the coincidence! I was looking for you!" He put an arm around my shoulder and pushed me away from the scene as I rolled my eyes at his excuse. 

Of course, now he wants to train me.




 Asuma and I finally arrived at the training grounds, him pushing me here the entire way. I grinned, still happy at the new information I picked up. "Who would have thought you and Kurenai were dating?" I let a cocky ring go through me voice, "Actually wait! I did! And now Kiba owes me money!"  I rubbed my hands together, mischief dancing on my face as I thought about Kiba handing over his money to me. Ah, the look of rage that'd be on his face.. 

Asuma face palmed, then peaked at me from between his fingers. "Y-You guys made bets if we were dating?" His tone full of shock and yet, he should have known what to expect. I nodded, still grinning. "Yep, and now it's clear I won." Asuma shook his head, getting out a cigarette. "No, because we're not dating." The strong denial in his voice made me shrug, going on with, "You know.. Secrets never last."

Asuma raised an eye brow as he flicked his lighter and lit the cigarette. "That's pretty wise, kid." I shook my head, hearing his claim of wise sent me into my own denial. "Not really.. Maybe intelligent, but not wise. How can a thirteen year old like myself be wise?" Asuma chuckled, taking a puff of the cigarette, looking around within the late afternoon. "You know, you're the only one who doesn't mind my smoking?"

"My father used to smoke back in Suna, I'm used to it.." My voice suddenly going bland at the mention of my father. Asuma noticed that and turned away, forgetting about the subject. "Okay, so today we're practicing having our chakra exit our bodies and surround our weapon, making it swifter and sharper as always." I nodded with a sigh and pulled out some senbon needle. With Gai, no chakra had been used, so I'd be fine for this.. But still, I never was an active go-full-out-for-everything-we-can kind of person.





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