Chapter Eleven: Broken (Probably Not in the way you think)

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Then she did some stuff on her iPad then had to go to bed. The next morning, she woke up and groaned. She dreaded the thought of school. She just wanted to hang out with Niall all day. She sighed and took a shower and got dressed. She brushed her hair and her teeth then got her backpack. She grabbed her phone and said goodbye and went to the bus stop. When the bus came, she sat in her seat and plugged her ear buds into her iPhone and listened to One Direction. When they got to school, they went to their lockers and got ready. Later in the day, during History, an announcement came on the intercom and said “Would Nicole Eversteen please come to the office”

Nicole’s POV

I got really worried. When you get called to the office, it isn’t considered a good thing. I closed my locker and nervously walked to the office. Everyone was staring at me. When I got there, I walked in and saw my mom, my dad, and Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn. Mom said “Sweetie, we have to go to the hospital. It’s Niall, he’s hurt.” About a jillion thoughts swirled through my head. Would Niall be ok? How hurt is he? Is it super-duper terrible? Is it a COMA?! I went to my classroom and told the teacher, Mrs. Anthony, what happened. I walked with shaking legs toward my locker. I dialed the number on my lock and got out all of my stuff. I stuffed it into my backpack. I rushed back to the office and we left for the hospital. The boys got into Louis’s car, and I and my mom and dad drove in ours. When we got there, we went straight to Niall’s room. I rushed in and gasped. He broke his leg! I rushed over to a chair next to him. “Hey, glad you could make it,” he told me. “How did you break your leg?!” I asked worriedly. “Oh, no big deal. I just kinda tripped and fell down the stairs walking out of a building. A few scrapes, but it doesn’t really hurt” he said. He would still be able to perform, but he would wear a head microphone and move around the stage on crutches. The Niallers in the front wouldn’t get to touch his hand! Poor them. At least he didn’t let his broken leg interfere with his love for singing. He had to stay in the hospital overnight. I stayed overnight with him. I slept on a little cot in the room.

The Next Day….

Niall’s POV

I woke up thinking the broken leg was all a dream. But I looked around and saw the hospital. “Shoot. It really happened” I thought. Then I saw Nicole sleeping on the cot in the room. She looked like an angel! She woke up just then and got dressed in the bathroom. Then suddenly there was a knocking on the door just as she walked out. She opened it and there was a reporter.

Nicole’s POV

Sandy Greens? She interviews for J-14 magazine! She must be doing an interview on Niall and his broken leg. I don’t blame her. This is the first time one of the guys broke their leg and was already part of 1D. “Sandy Greens? Hi! Are you here to interview Niall?” I asked. “Why yes I am!” she said. P.S. she’s really nice. I invited her in after asking Niall. She sat in a chair next to him and asked him questions like how he broke it, where he broke it, if he cried, and things like that. When it was over, she said thanks and left. The new J-14 would come out the next day! When Niall and I left the hospital, two body guards had to come with to protect him from girls who wanted to see and even SIGN his cast! I was the first one to sign it! We got into a limo. Niall almost fell on the way, but I caught him. The next day, for some reason, NIALL WANTED TO COME TO SCHOOL WITH ME FOR A DAY!!!!! When we got to school (my mom drove us) just about EVERY SINGLE GIRL came over to us and wanted to sign his cast. The look on his face told me he was uncomfortable. I told them he really only got it signed by his friends and family. (His mom and dad and brother were on their way to my house in a plane)  They understood. They knew they would want only their friends and family to do sign it if that happened. We went to my locker and when he saw all of my pictures of him hanging in my locker he just smiled! When we got to my homeroom, the teacher, Mrs. Felini, immediately got a chair and put it next to my desk. Then she got a pillow from the closet and put It on another chair so he could rest his leg there. After a few more periods of that, it was finally lunch. We walked to the cafeteria and got our food. I got a slice of pizza and Sprite, Niall got a hamburger and an Orange Crush. We sat down and ate. After last period, we went to my locker and I got my stuff. Then we got into my mom’s car with Tiffany and went to my house.  We got out and I helped Niall to the front door. Then we played around and goofed off. About five hours later, Niall had to go back to his apartment building. I drove him there and helped him to his room. He went in and we sat on the couch. Then Niall said “Hey, film me with my camera.” Then he pulled out his camera and gave it to me. I started filming and he shouted “POTATO!!!” and then just laughed and told me to get in the video. When I did, he said “Hey guys, this is my girlfriend Nicole!” Then stopped the video. He told me he was posting it on YouTube! He did and tweeted about it. He called it “Me, Niall Horan, yelling potato!(Check the YouTube account. It really is me, Niall)” by the next hour, it got a million views!!! Then Niall asked if I wanted to sleep with him and the guys tonight! “Sure! Let me ask my mom!” I said.

Stole My Heart (My horrible Niall Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora