Chapter Eight: Christmas

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Then the month passed, and finally it was Christmas break. In Nicole’s house, they had put up their tree and decorated the house. They finished putting ornaments on the tree and she called Niall.


T: Hey im  calling to see if you and the guys could come over on the 23rd for a Christmas party.

N: course we can

T:Is 6:00 good?


T:K bye


*end of convo*

The next day the guys and Tiffany came in at 6:00. Nicole played Jingle Bell Rock and other Christmas songs. They danced and had snacks and hot chocolate. They played Christmas games. They would all give eachother presents on Christmas day. They all agreed to stay over night. But that night, something happened. When Niall got up to use the bathroom, they all woke up to hear him screaming “LET GO OF ME! WHO ARE YOU?! GET AWAY YOU CREEP! IM TAKEN!” Then they heard the sounds of kissing. The girl must have kissed him. Nicole ran out to Niall not listening to her friends advice to stay away. She had to help her boyfriend. She ran in the hall to see some random girl kissing HER boyfriend! Niall pushed her away. Tiffany ran to deal with the girl while Nicole called the police. When they arrived, this was the convo with them.

P: What happened here?

T: Well, Niall went to go to the bathroom, and we all heard him yelling. Then, I ran to him to find that girl had broken into my house just so she could kiss him!

P: Whats the girls name?

T: Don’t know

P: (talking to random girl whos name is apparentley Kelly) Young lady, this is VERY serious offense. One, for breaking into a home, and two, grabbing a celebrity without permission from the celebrity. You will have to go to jail, im sorry, but beacause of your age, for only 4 months. We will alow you to go home for Christmas and Christmas Eve, but other than that, in the cell.

End of convo

After the police and Kelly left, Niall told them about it.

What he said… So I got up just to go to the bathroom, but then she just jumped out in front of me and grabbed me and hugged me. Then she just started to kiss me, then I pushed her away. Then you know the rest. They all had trouble going back to sleep that night. The next morning, they woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. When Harry went to anwer it, Tiffany said “Maybe I should, in case it’s another lovesick girl looking for you guys.” They all agreed and when she answered it, a girl stood there. Tiffany said “Are you looking for One Direction? Cause if you are, no way.” The girl said “What, no. I’m new here, and I was looking for my piano teachers house. I guess this isn’t it. My names Melissa by the way.” “I know where your piano teacher is!” said Nicole. “Mrs. Allen right? She lives five houses down to the right.” “Ok thanks!” she said. Then she walked toward her lesson. “She didn’t even ask why I asked her if she was looking for One Direction. She’s a nice girl!” said Tiffany. They all decided to go get lunch at a restaurant that wasn’t closed for some reason. So they got on their coats and snowboots and got into Nicole’s car wich could hold 8 people. Then Niall said they should turn the radio on. Since he was in the front with Nicole, he turned it on and quickly when no one was looking, turned it off and immediatley started singing the song that had been playing. No one even looked at him. He did it again! Everyone thought the radio was on when it was him singing! Then when he finished he said “Can I sing or what?” Everyone looked at him confused. Then he explained how he was testing to see if he could do the radio thing again and they all laughed. Then he started singing “Jingle Bell Rock” and they all joined in. “Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock!” they all sang.They got out of the car and walked across the parking lot to the restaurant. The snow was falling and crunching under their boots. Lucky them, their were only six other people in the restaurant. Three were boys and three were girls. They must have been on a triple date or something. The girls spotted them right away, and after telling their boyfriends, they nodded and the girls ran straight toward them and parked their selfs right infront of Niall, Harry and Louis. They got their autographs and hugs and went back to their table. Since it was a Christmas Eve special day, they got five dollars off every meal for the Christmas Eve special, and five MORE dollars off for being celebrities! They chose their table and started to eat. They finished and waved at the girls and left. It was snowing HARD when they got outside. They pulled the zippers on their coats up as high as they would go. They pulled their hats and gloves to cover as much as they could. They piled into the car and drove away. They got to Nicole’s house and rushed inside against the snow. They had hot chocolate with marshmallows. Niall said to Nicole “Your mom makes the best cocoa!” They all agreed and gulped it down. Then they decided to go to the indoor ice rink called “Ice King” Their moddo was “Hit the ice! Don’t be scared to fall, its better than it sounds!” They rushed in and pulled on their own skates. They skated onto the rink and had a lot of fun! Zayn would fall down a lot and laugh when he did. Louis skated around and pretended to be a girl figure skater. That made them laugh their heads off. When they left the rink they hit the arcade and played every single game. Then they had a snack at the snack bar. Harry and Niall had chips, Zayn and Liam had popcorn, Louis had soda, and Nicole and Tiffany had candy. Then they went to the apartment building where the guys were staying. They watched movies and played games. Then at 9:00 Nicole and Tiffany left. Nicole took Tiffany to her house where she drove home in her car. Nicole went inside and Mom, Dad, and Tyler were about to have dinner. Christmas Eve dinner was great at her house! They ate and then Nicole went to her room and texted Niall.

Stole My Heart (My horrible Niall Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن