Chapter 2

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*pace pace*

"Um... this girl alright?" A handsome Bishonen boy who's sitting next to the princess whispers.

"Now Yoon-kun don't be mean!" Yona scolds the boy.

"Hey chibi-chan." The girl glares over at the Hak's direction. "Why don't you stand still," he whispers, "People are starting to think you have issues."



"WELL...I guess I should ask your names travelers, and why your here." she crosses her arms.



"Yona" the two boys look at the redhead and start whispering. 'Why'd you say your real name Hime-sama?'

'We might as well not hide who we are if we want the white dragon to come with u-' Yona looks up and sees Hikari...right next to her. Okay yeah like your thinking Right next to her. But its more like...RIGHT next to the face. Definitely too close in the personal space.

"You want the White Dragons Powers don't you?" Hak and Yoon get awkardly silent, not knowing if they should pry the white haired girl away from Yonas face or leave it for the time being.

Yona nods, she stands up and Hikari backs away a little bit. Yona stares at the girl, "The reaso-"

*wind blows*

"...gone." The group looks at each other, totally confused.



Kija pulls his shirt on, You can see the 4 scars on his back.


He ties his kimono outfit thing.


On goes the shoes, He looks out the window and closes his eyes. "3."



*Door opens*


*POUNCE!!!!* Kija steps to the side and sees a small girl fly past him. As she's in midair Kija opens his eyes and notices it's his stalker-chan....flying out the window.

"Kija....-KUUUUUN!!!!!" *fades out*


*Birds chirping*



Kija quickly looks out the window. Serval stories down he sees a small figure. Lying on her stomach... probably half dead. He starts to laugh, "HAHAHAHA!! THAT WAS THE BEST THING IVE EVER SEEN!!" He practically falls down laughing... good thing he has the windowsill to hold himself up.

Hikari slowly rolls into a ball and starts groaning. Kija jumps down and lands relatively close to her. He picks her up and while still laughing walks into town.

Unbeknownst to him, The three travelers are currently waiting in town for his arrival.

As they walk Kija starts up some random conversation, making Hikari totally forget to tell him about the Princess and her companions.

Meanwhile, "Geeze where did she go! Let's go look for her!" Yoon stands up and brushes himself off. Yona and Hak follow, better to just start looking themselves.

"~~When did you get so good at dodging me?" Hikari asks, "Well...I have lived with you for about 10 years. I should hope I can tell when your about to pounce."

They both start laughing, "Oh yeah, Why did you come this time?"

Hikari eyes widen, "OH YEAH!! I meant to tell you that-" *stop*

Yona turns a corner and sees Hikari in Kijas arms.

*Drops* Kija walks over to the princess and bows.

[[ALRIGHT and this is where they meet each other, lalala~ I do believe you know what this is.]]

"There will be a festival tonight please do stay for it." Kija and the 3 travelers walk away. The sun starts to set on this beautiful scene. His journey is about to begin. This is what they live for, and its finally happening in his lifetime.

*slowly fades out*

-Wait.... *zooms in* There seems to be a floor mat of sorts lying on the ground where the travelers and Kija met. ..... Oh, its Hikari. If you don't remember think back.... Kija holding her....hearing a drop sound. Ah there is it. He dropped Her, but not only dropped her....he walked over the girl! Now her part in the story must be a floor mat.-


*sniff sniff* Water fills Hikari's eyes. (still laying on the ground, due to the fact that her prince dropped her.) Tears start to fall on her cheeks onto the ground. She slowly stands up and walks to the forest, without turning around.

*festival sounds, people laughing*

While the festival for Kija's parting is going on, we will focus in on the forest surrounding the village. The small girl is curled up in a tree. Her clothes are dirty, face is wet, and her nose is a bit red. All you hear is an occasional sniff breaking the silence in the dark forest.

'This is what we live for, this is what I've been training Kija for. (Strange Training) B-but...I don't want leave me.' Tears start falling harder, she burries her head in her arms.

Meanwhile, "Grandmother, Have you seen Hikari anywhere? Normally she's right on my side during the festivals." The great elder nods at Kija. He stands there, waiting for her reply.


*snore* "*face palm* She fell asleep. Well I should go find her. After all I leave at dawn."


Annnd cut! Konnichi wa my name is YukiKat, Author of this story. I will join in every once in awhile, when I do it will type in this bold writing.

so recap; If its bold... its the author.

Kija's Keeper ((Akatsuki no Yona fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now