The Accident

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10 Years Ago;

"Mummy, Daddy Hurryyyyyy!!" a small child shouted while running towards the mountain face, "You're gonna miss the fireworks!!!" Neared the edge gravel falling below my feet.

"Zheiraa! Slow Down!! You're gonna- "But it was too late. I fell about 150 meters down hitting almost every tree and rock on the way down.
My arms, legs, torso and multiple other body parts were ripped up and covered in gushing blood.

"ZHEIRAA!!! MY BABY!!!! SOMEONE HELP MY BABY!!!" I could hear my mother scream in horror and grief. Shock took over my lifeless body, while my dad shouted at any possible person to call for help. 

"000, what's your emergency- "Words echoing in my mind.

Sirens wailed in the near distance before my consciousness fazed into pitch black nothing. A bright flashing of light brought me back up. Flashing hospital lights as I was pushed on a gurney through a hall of doors. 

"Mummy...where am I?" I questioned, unaware of my death-deciding fate. She didn't answer though, still in shock my mum aiding the women to run my bed to emergency. Passed out again.

Mid-surgery, I could hear the doctors shout "Flatline! Pull out the defibs!" A man slapped the defibs out of the hands of the doctor.

"Ok just because we let you in here doesn't mean you can slap the surgeon."

"She needs this" the man held a long needle full of a liquid unknown to man.

"She's only young! We don't know if it will work!"

"It will work!"

They were hesitant but I guess he went with it, sees as I was blacked out on the brink of death.

After surgery, a nurse walked out to my parents.

"The surgery was a success, but she has mutated."

Not even a goodbye before they left.

Zheiraa's POV;

Such great parents, right? 

At least they weren't as bad as the one that actually adopted me. He raised me into a living Hell Demon.  

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