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-Hyunjin's POV-

I am so confused right now...

I have been in love with Jisung for so many years, but I feel like my feelings for him are slowly fading away... after all those things that happened between us, I feel like I'm falling out of love, as if my feelings were fading away. It's... complicated... my heart does beat for him... but it just doesn't feel really the same as it used to be...

"Hi hyung!" I heard the bright voice of Felix. "hi Lix, how are you?" his smile didn't even fade a little. "I'm totally fine, I just wanna ask can I copy your biology homework?" he asked, his smile a little dropping. "wait, we had homework?" he face palmed himself with the biology book. "yes, bro at the least I knew we had homework... urgh anyways I'll ask Changbin, be right back!" we had the first hour of our period biology, so it's obvious that he had to hurry.

"Hi Hyunjin, how are you?" I heard the happy voice of Wonjun. "I'm fine, what about you?" I said with an emotionless voice, causing him to look worried. "are you sure? you sound everything but okay" he looked at me with his innocent eyes filled with worry. "I don't know... I feel like I'm... you know I like Jisung, right?" Wonjun was the only one who knew about Jisung, because I accidentally told him when I was drunk. he nodded. "what's wrong? did he reject your-" I cut him off. "it's not that... I feel like... I'm falling out of love with him..." the older's eyes widened. "what? are you sure? you've liked Jisung for so long, are you sure that you're falling out of love?" I just let out a deep sigh. "or are you catching feelings for someone else?"

I don't know. I don't know if I'm in love with someone else, and someone else is Mean. I just don't know. I hate feelings. "I don't know... maybe... I'm not sure" I heard Wonjun sighing softly before speaking up. "I'm... just follow your heart, if it beats for Jisung, it means that you're still in love with the younger, but if it doesn't and it beats for someone else... then you're in love with someone else... that's the easiest way to find out" "I know... it's just kind of confusing, you know? I feel like... Jisung... I know he's sweet and caring, but he has hurt me multiple times because he trusted someone over me, even I told him multiple times to stay away from them, he didn't believe me and ended up hurting both of us... I feel like a fool for loving him... and those pains kind of drove me away from my feelings"

"I totally understand it... but..." Wonjun stopped talking when he saw someone else standing behind me, and that someone else was Jisung.

-Jisung's POV-

I was walking happily towards my friends, until I heard a conversation that I wasn't expecting. "I feel like... Jisung... I know he's sweet and caring, but he has hurt me multiple times because he trusted someone over me, even I told him multiple times to stay away from them, he didn't believe me and ended up hurting both of us... I feel like a fool for loving him... and those pains kind of drove me away from my feelings" I froze for a few seconds, the words that came out of his mouth... I tried to progress everything what he said. Hyunjin was falling out of love? with me? he likes me?

after a few seconds I went back to reality and put a big, fake smile on my face. "hi!" I should try to make Hyunjin feel more loved... "how are you all feeling? I feel amazing, had a great weekend and homework was pretty easy" I looked at both of them. "it was okay... nothing really happened" the taller said, emotionlessly. "also Hyunjin, we should hang out! what about tomorrow after school? I really would love to go to the cinema with you!" I said before Wonjun could even speak up. "sure..." "okay amazing!" I said before the bell rang.


it was Friday, which meant that I was going to see a movie with Hyunjin. I was really nervous... I grabbed my favorite pink(but oversized) sweater and white jeans with chains. I really liked that outfit, it was one of my favourite things to wear. "you look great Jisung" I said to myself in the mirror, trying to boost my confidence.

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