Chapter 8

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The next day


Today is the day I had to go back home.  HongJoong told me that he'll send his friend name Seonghwa to take me home.  "As much as I would like to escort you home myself, I have matters to attend to but have this" HongJoong placed a necklace on me.  "A necklace?" I looked at him in confusion before he spoke.  "It special, it's has protection spell on it" A protection spell huh, why give a necklace that protects me.  Was I important to him or what?

Before I could say anything else, we heard a knock at the front entrance.  "Seems like Seonghwa has arrive, I guess it's time for you to leave Y/n" HongJoong took my hand and brought it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand.  "Yeah, heh I exactly started to want to stay here more then where I live now" I said which had him surprised.  I lean in and kissed his cheek then head out the doors before I start to refuse to leave.  As I open the door, A guy who I'm guessing was Seonghwa stood by the door.

"Ready to head home Malady" Seonghwa said formally tho I wasn't royalty.  "No need to be formal sir and yes I'm ready" Looking back to see HongJoong watching as I head to the carriage.  I wave at him goodbye but I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the last time I see him.


As Y/n left to go back home, I watch as the carriage she and Seonghwa in enter the forest and disappears in it.  As much as I hate to see her go away.  It was for the best but I will come to her when she needs it.

Y/n a big girl now, she can take care of herself without me for now.  I headed to my office and look through the letters and threatening message that were send out to me.  I wasn't surprised but then I saw a envelope that wasn't open I got today.  When I picked it up and open, I read the letter and glared at it as I read it.

Prince HongJoong

You will be dethrone once I get my hands on you.  You better watch out and keep a close eye on your "Mistress".  You better be prepared to meet your fate


Who ever this person may be is messing with the wrong prince.  How dare they bring Y/n in this, she doesn't deserve to be in this conflict.  "Shit I have to go get her before she gets hurt!"  I run out of the office and went to grab my horse.  "I'm on my own Y/n"


It's been quiet since I left HongJoong castle.  I chatted with Seonghwa for a little but then sudden he went silence.  "Seonghwa?" The next thing I know the carriage came to a complete stop.  "Whatever you do, don't leave the carriage" He said exiting the carriage as I look through the window and watch what's going on.  There was a guy standing in the middle of the roadway.


"How are you and what do you want" The strange man that was standing in the road only just grin.  "Hand over the girl" He demanded which had me go into a defense position.  "Your not getting the lady" Those words must have trigger the stranger anger as he run straight towards me.  As he was about to hit me I manage to block his attack and sent him back.


The strange guy and Seonghwa were fighting out since the guy want me for some reason.  I stayed in the carriage but even that won't protect be from other one of them end up breaking it.  Before I could blink Seonghwa was on the ground in pain but got up.

I wanted to help I really did but what can a human like me do?  "Only if you could have listen, you wouldn't end up like this" The stranger said walking toward us but then suddenly the guy stop.  "One move and I'll kill you on the spot" That voice, I known that voice as a figure came from behind a tree.  It was HongJoong that appeared.

Not very wise of your action Shu

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