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"we're going to meet the boys at a court house" ryan said

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"we're going to meet the boys at a court house" ryan said. tia and i looked at each other. "a court house?" tia questioned. "yeah, everyone pretty much skates there. it'll be fun."

we arrived at the courthouse and there was hella people here. people were smoking, talking, and skating. "this should be fun" i said to ryan and tia. they chuckled.

"also, we're not supposed to be here so if you hear someone yell 5-0, run to the car. i'll meet you guys there" ryan explained. "ok, got it."

about 15 minutes into skating i had stopped because i need a break so i walked over to a wall where a bunch of girls were standing at. "hey, you're really good at skating" one of them said.

"thank you" i said while smiling. "what's your name? i've never seen you around here before."

"i'm mariah. i just moved here" i said while holding my hand out for her to shake it. "estee." she shook my hand. "well estee, it was nice meeting you"

"nice meeting you as well. also, i'm having a party tomorrow. you should come."

"looking forward to it" i said. she gave me her address and then i skated off. while skating, i saw ruben sitting with stevie so i decided i would go over and say hi.

i guess i wasn't paying attention because i had bumped into someone and fell. "are you ok?" he asked while helping me up. "yeah, i'm fine. thanks."

he handed me my skateboard. "be careful and stay focused. you could hurt yourself or bump into the wrong person" he said. "i have a habit of not staying focus" he laughed. "i'm mateo. what's your name?"

"well, mariah, i hope to see you around again." we locked eyes for a minute. i smiled and then left. that was so awkward.
i finally made it over to ruben and stevie."hey guys" i said. "hi riah" ruben and stevie said in sync. ruben got up and me a hug. "what happened to your elbow?"

"i fell earlier, it's nothing big"

i sat down with them and we talked for a bit. stevie then got up to go skate, leaving ruben and i alone.

"so about yesterday..." ruben began. i really hope he isn't embarrassed about our kiss. "yeah? what about it?" i said, nervously chuckling.

"we should definitely do it again." he smiled then began to move closer to me. we locked eyes and went in for a kiss until we got interrupted.

"aye 5-0! 5-0!"

with that, everyone began to run. tia and ryan both came up to me and we started running. we made it to the car safely. "well, do you guys want to get food?" ryan asked, we all started laughing and drove away from the courthouse.
after we got some food, we made it back to my house. "that was so... fun" i said. "i know right! like the adrenaline" tia said.

"ryan! you should stay over here for tonight!"

"definitely!" she said. "it's going to be fun. we can make cookies, watch movies. anything you guys want!" i said excitedly. after about 30 minutes, we baked our cookies and started watching Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers. we then fell asleep on the couch.

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