New Beginnings

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Ah California, The Golden State. I haven't even been here for over 24 hours and I'm already bored. Hi, I'm Mariah and I'm 16 years old. I just moved to California, as you can tell. My mom wanted to start a "new life" but I didn't want to move. I had the perfect life back in Florida, I would hang out with my best friend, Tia, and we would go to the skate park, out to eat, camping, etc.

Anyways, I'm currently in the process of unpacking and so far the only thing I've unpacked was a 'Pantera' poster and my skateboard. I've been skating for 3 years, it helps me get my mind off of things. I observed my skateboard for a couple of minutes debating on whether or not I should go skating.

"Fuck this, I'm gonna go skate." I thought to myself.

I got up, grabbed my skateboard and ran downstairs and to the front door until a familiar voice stopped me. "Where do you think you're going?" it was my mom.

"I'm going outside to skate and look around for a bit" I replied.

"Have you even finished unpacking?!"

"No BUT I promise when I get back, I'll start unpacking." My mom just glared at me and after a minute she finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Okay, that's a fair deal. Here's $20 just in case you get hungry. I love you, have fun." I smiled and hugged my mom 

"Thanks mom. I love you too." I dashed out the door and skated down the street.

++++++I was in my own zone, not even noticing I was in the middle of the street, all of a sudden a car was headed my way. I froze for a minute because I didn't know what to do, next thing I know I was tackled!

Some girl with short blonde hair and glasses had saved me from being ran over. "You gotta pay more attention to your surroundings" she said.

"Ahaha thanks for pushing me out of the way, I'm Mariah and I just moved here."

"I'm Ryan, nice to meet you."

I was looking around to see where my skateboard was and then I noticed it was in the middle of the street, it was broken into two!

I  looked both ways before I went to grab it. "Wow, your board is fucked up." Ryan said in a state of shock. "Fuck! are there any shops that sell skateboards?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! There's this one really dope skate shop that I go to, I could show you where it is." she replied. "I appreciate it, Ryan"

I got to know Ryan a little more, we have so much in common, we like the same movies, music, food, and we both love skating (clearly).

After walking a few blocks and passing a few shops, we FINALLY made it to the skate shop and I began to smile. Ryan and I walked in and there were 4 boys in the shop.

The one behind the counter had dreads, he seemed like a chill person. I looked over to see three other boys sitting on a couch, watching some type of show I guess. "Wassup, Ryan." said the boy behind the counter.

"Aye wassup, Ray!" "What can I help you with?" he asked. "Homegirl skateboard got ran over, she needs buy a new one." All of a sudden, everyone's attention was on me and the shop became completely silent.

I was going to say something but someone beat me to it. "Hey, I'm Ray. I've never seen you before, what's your name?" he asked. "I'm Mariah and I just moved here." I told him. 

"You fine as hell ma." said one of the boys on the couch "Nigga, shut the hell up" Ray said. I chuckled.

"Sorry let me introduce you, the nigga with the black beanie on is Fuckshit, the one sitting next to him is Ruben and the one on the end is Fourthgrade."

I looked at everyone and waved. Ray grabbed one of the boards from the wall, it was yellow and on the back it had a "M" logo. "How much for a complete set?" I asked Ray. "About $120" he replied. "I'll bring the you the money tomorrow." I said with a smile, Ray just nodded.

I looked over at the boys on the couch, Ruben was staring at me so I smiled and waved at him. He waved back and then concentrated on the tv, again. Fuckshit got up, "Y'all niggas hungry? we could go to that burger joint around the corner." he said. "I'm down" Ryan and I said in sync.

After about 30 minutes, i got a chance to get to know everyone and then we began to joke each other. "Fuckshit look like the type of nigga to make a girl mad and then say some shit like aye but when the next time we chillin' doe" I joked. The group started laughing.

Fuckshit sarcastically laughed and he threw a fucking french fry at me. I took the pickle off of my tray and threw it at him. Next thing I know, everyone was throwing food at each other. After 20 minutes of joking and having food fights, Fuckshit began to take everyone home.

Music was blasting and everyone was bopping their head to the music or singing along. Ruben was the first to be dropped off and everyone began to say goodbye to him. "Bye guys, I had fun today" he said. I looked at him and began to smile "Bye, Ruben." he smiled at me and then closed the car door.

Fuckshit began driving me home after I gave him the directions.

"Aye, Mariah. We going skating tomorrow, you should come with us. We meeting at the shop" Ray said. "Of course." I said, excitingly. "I had fun guys and also thanks for the ride, fuckshit." I said while getting out of the car. "Anytime" Fuckshit said.

"Aye nigga, don't forget we meeting at the shop tomorrow. 11:00 a.m." Fuckshit added. I nodded with a smile and I continued to walk down my stoned walkway. As I walked in the house, I saw my mom sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey honey, did you enjoy your time out?" she asked. "Yes, I most certainly did." I responded. I headed upstairs into my room and began to finish unpacking.

I began to think to myself "Maybe California wouldn't be so bad after all!"

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