September 8

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You know how I said his words were enough to get me through the day? Well, they were, but not enough to get me through the week. Definitely not enough to get me through the week.

All week long, I was bullied relentlessly by the other students. They dumped milk at me, yanked on my tail, slapped me in the face ... it was unbearable. I would walk to the sakura tree where Nyash and I met, and there would be at least 10 students who hollered things like, "You fucking whore, hogging Nyash all to yourself!" and "Cat ears? What a shameless copycat. I can't believe Nyash hasn't told that leech off yet!" I even heard, "What a freak! We should just shoot it down, it's not human!"

I was wise enough to keep my identity secret, but it was only a matter of time before someone found out. But it's just not fair! How can Nyash be praised and lauded, but I mocked and scorned? I get that Nyash looks like a sex god on Earth, but ... it's not fair.

My feelings are so jumbled right now. I was a bit of a loner before, but Nyash taking off my hood has only made the solitude worse. But on the other hand ... Nyash is my first friend since forever. He follows me everywhere, his eyes turn red when he sees me getting mistreated, and he sometimes takes my hand and spins me around when he thinks we're alone.

But I don't get it. Besides the fact that I'm a cat boy, I'm just an ave- no, less than average. I'm so, so ugly. I have sunken in eyes, urine colored skin, an array of pimples, limp hair ... and my personality isn't better in the least. I'm a walking disaster who offends everyone he meets, has no sense of humor, and just broods alone in my school because everyone I know has run away from me.

In fact, Nyash and I couldn't be more different. While he is so happy, energetic, and popular, I'm dark, brooding, and a loner. So why does he like me so much?

Twu Wuv in Nyaa (Nyash X Me)Where stories live. Discover now