4: Little Demon Brat G05

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A month later, another incident happened at the Watchtower.

"That's all for debriefing. Now for the other matter-"

Authorized access Guest G04

"Bats!" Red Robin yelled through the halls.

"-will be discussed later." Batman finished. The kid they had seen twice now came through the door panting.

"Red, what's wrong?" He asked. Concern shown all over his face. He seemed to forget the rest of his team was there, watching.

"The devil is after me!" He said grinning. The panic left Batman's face at the name and his expression.

"What did you do this time?" He pinched the bridge of his noise in a tired dad kind of way.

Authorized access Little Demon Brat G05

"Where are you Drake!?" A voice yelled.

"How is he able to be here too?" Red asked.

"I let Nightwing make one for all of you in case of an emergency. This isn't an emergency."

"He could kill me! That's seems like an emergency!" The team looked at him. Who was this mystery guy?

"No, its a consequence to you messing with him. Just," Batman sighed. "Please change his name back."

"Fine, you're no fun." He grumbled, a young boy in an altered Robin suit with his hood up appeared in the doorway. With katanas.

"Robin, put you're swords away." Batman told him.

"Not before I kill him." He growled.

"Shut up brat! That was for teaching your parrot to call me 'Drake the fool'." Red Robin, called Drake, retorted.

"Tch, it's true!"

"I would suggest everyone back up against the walls." Batman told the heroes still in the room. They did as they were told just before the two started fighting.

"Who are they?" Green Arrow asked. Batman just sighed, ignoring him and step between the sidekicks.

"Boys!" He growled, making them stopped and looked at the him. He gave the two a glare and they looked down.

"I'm sorry..." Red Robin said. Batman then looked at Robin who tutted.

"Sorry Fa-." Robin quickly stopped as the realization of something. 

'Was he about to Say Batman's name? Does he know his name? How would he know his name? What is happening!' The Flash's rambling was caught up in the recently made mind link.

'Barry! Calm down.' Wonder Women told him. They only used names in situations that they need their attention.

'Right, sorry.'

"Now, both of you go home." The two came back to real life to hear Batman talking again. "Red Robin, change Robin's name back to Guest. And Robin, teach your batparret to call him his name. Until both things are done, neither of you get Agent A's cookies." Their eyes widened and backed away.

"Well it was nice seeing you all again. Bye!" Red Robin yelled as he sprinted to the tubes, racing the other suited kid.

Departing to the Batcave Guest G04 and Little Demon Brat G05

Batman turned around to face the many expressions.

"So... you going to tell us who they are now?" The Flash asked.

"No." Was all he said before continuing talking about before the kids interrupted.

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