Chapter 1

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Queen Aurora had taken her place on the throne and the stupid birds hadn't shut up about it in days. The queen of water, queen Cascade, had passed away before the war with humans had even began. Princess Adira had yet to be appointed queen in her place, due to the celebration of Aurora's victory and her own rise to the throne.

Adira wasn't happy, but then again she never is. She had complained and moaned for weeks, and to my knowledge she still was. Not that it was any of my business. I was just a fox.

My real name was Sylvester, Sly for short, but it hadn't been used since I was banished from the Animal Kingdom. Instead my name was now Fox, the same as the animal I chose to live as.

It was fine with me, really. I didn't care what people called me as long as they left me alone. Except for the beautiful light dragon who had left all those months ago. The only dragon able to steal my heart. Her journey with the Queen should be over, and I should go and find her.

Except... She's a light dragon. Interspecies breeding was prohibited in all the kingdoms and was punishable by death of you, your mate, and any possible children you might have.

Sometimes I hated being a dragon. I hated the rules of it, there were so many rules. I hate the tension between all the kingdoms. I hated the Queen. Ok, I didn't hate the Queen, but I hated that we had someone dictate how we lived our lives. It just wasn't right.

Sometimes I wish I had been born just a fox. Life was a lot simpler living as a fox. Hunt, eat, sleep, and then do it again. No rules, no limitations, no socializing. Life was a lot easier as a fox.

My dragon form was the same as all the other animal dragons. We were the smallest of all dragons, not too much bigger than my fox form. We are brown, a neutral color, and have long skinny tails and our heads look more mammal shaped than dragon shaped. Our dragon form barely looked like a dragon. It was as if a dragon from ancient times mated with some kind of animal and we were the offspring of it.

The Animal Kingdom had set times when we could hunt. Only two times a day, once in the morning and once at night. The reason for this being that the animal dragons who chose to live as prey animals could hide safely and there would be no accidental killings of dragons. Supposedly.

Prey animals were not allowed to mate with predators, and we must stick to our "families". Meaning, a wolf can't mate with a hawk or a lion can't mate with a bear. So on and so forth. You get the idea. Cats with cat, rabbits with rabbits, whales with whales... Supposedly.

We were not to leave the kingdom without permission from the leader of your "family". Supposedly.

Leaders were chosen by votes and must be fair. Supposedly.

I had a lot of contempt for the Animal Kingdom. There were so many rules that I know are broken daily, and yet I am one of the very few who have been outcasted. It was unfair, and I still held a lot of anger toward them.

I had been happier living here, free to do what I want when I want. I had been happy until Crystal came along and made me feel things that I hadn't felt in years. I wanted to have her as my mate. I needed to have her as my mate.

But I'm just a servant to the princess of water.

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